Предмет: Английский язык, автор: gaukhar826

WHAT COULD YOU DO you've spilt red wine on your white shirt one of the screws in your glasses keep coming out • you have a pen mark on your jeans • the heel breaks on one of your shoes • there's a power cut and you have a freezer full of food • you've dropped your phone in the toilet • the zip on your suitcase breaks at the airport your car is nearly out of petrol and the nearest petrol station is 20 km away one of your shoelaces breaks while​


Автор ответа: zimen11111


Here are some possible solutions to each scenario:

1. **Spilt red wine on your white shirt:** Immediately rinse the stained area with cold water. Apply some white wine (if available) or a mixture of water and baking soda to help lift the stain. Launder the shirt as soon as possible.

2. **Screw in glasses keeps coming out:** Use a small screwdriver to tighten the screw. If it keeps coming loose, consider using a small drop of clear nail polish on the screw to help secure it.

3. **Pen mark on your jeans:** Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol or hairspray onto the mark and gently blot it. Wash the jeans as usual.

4. **Heel breaks on one of your shoes:** Temporarily fix it with strong glue or tape to hold the heel in place until you can have it repaired professionally.

5. **Power cut and a freezer full of food:** Keep the freezer closed as much as possible to maintain the cold temperature. If the power cut is extended, consider using dry ice or moving the food to another freezer if available.

6. **Dropped your phone in the toilet:** Quickly remove it, power it off, and dry it gently with a towel. Place it in a bag of uncooked rice or silica gel packets to absorb moisture. Seek professional help if needed.

7. **Zip on your suitcase breaks at the airport:** Use a paperclip, safety pin, or a luggage strap to temporarily secure the bag. Consider seeking assistance from the airport or a luggage repair shop.

8. **Car is nearly out of petrol, and the nearest petrol station is 20 km away:** Drive carefully and try to maintain a consistent speed to conserve fuel. Consider calling for roadside assistance or asking for help from nearby drivers.

9. **Shoelace breaks while:** Use the lace from the other shoe, a spare lace if available, or temporarily tie the broken lace together until you can replace it.

Remember, in some situations, seeking professional assistance or using temporary fixes can help manage unexpected challenges until you can resolve them more permanently.

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