Предмет: Английский язык, автор: elmazdugu




Автор ответа: ivankpgorasko


1)I wear a tie; I do it because I like wearing ties.don't have to

2)John... put salt in her food; the doctor said she can't eat salt. mustn't

3)The doctor has put me on a strict diet. I... eat more fruit and vegetables and do more exercise. must

4)You... be late. It's the most important meeting of the year.mustn't

5)Mike ... tell the boss what happened, or he'll fire him.has to

6) Teacher: 'You ... arrive on time for class.must

7)I don't like these clothes, but I ... wear them at work. have to

8)You ... smoke in here; smoking is not allowed.mustn't

9) You ... tell anyone; it's a secret.mustn't

10)We ... cook more; there's enough food. don't have to

11) Visitors to the zoo feed the animals.mustn't

Автор ответа: ignatdenis26


11. Visitors at the zoo feed the animals. It is not allowed.

The correct answer is **mustn't**. This means that something is prohibited or forbidden. For example, "You mustn't smoke in the hospital."¹

12. Is there coffee?

The correct answer is **any**. This is used in questions and negative sentences to mean 'some' or 'no'. For example, "Do you have any sugar?"²

13. You their rules! to wear a tie if you want to go to that restaurant. It's one of

The correct answer is **have to**. This means that something is necessary or obligatory. For example, "You have to pay the rent on time."³

14. My granny asked me to the flowers.

The correct answer is **water**. This is a verb that means to pour water on plants to help them grow. For example, "Please water the flowers while I'm away."

15. many tigers left in the world. There is

The correct answer is **There are**. This is used to introduce a plural subject in the present tense. For example, "There are many books on the shelf."

16. She is not old too

The correct answer is **enough**. This is used to indicate that something is sufficient or adequate. For example, "She is not old enough to drive a car."

17. Would you like nothing to eat?

The correct answer is **something**. This is used to refer to an unspecified thing or person. For example, "Would you like something to drink?"

2. Answer the questions.( дати повні розгорнуті відповіді)

1. Do you think is it important to have some special class traditions? Why (not)?

A possible answer is:

Yes, I think it is important to have some special class traditions. They can help to create a sense of belonging and identity among the students. They can also make the learning experience more fun and memorable. For example, in my class, we have a tradition of celebrating each other's birthdays with a cake and a song. This makes us feel happy and appreciated.

2. What do you usually do for fun?

A possible answer is:

I usually do different things for fun, depending on my mood and the weather. Sometimes I like to read books or watch movies at home. Other times I like to go out with my friends and play games or sports. I also enjoy listening to music and singing along.

3. What chores are your responsibility?

A possible answer is:

The chores that are my responsibility are washing the dishes, taking out the trash, and vacuuming the floor. I have to do these chores every day, otherwise my parents will get angry. I don't mind doing them, because they are not very hard and they help to keep the house clean and tidy.

4. What is your favourite kitchen appliance? What do you use it for?

A possible answer is:

My favourite kitchen appliance is the microwave oven. I use it for heating up food and drinks, making popcorn, and melting cheese. It is very convenient and fast, and it saves me a lot of time and energy. I also like the sound it makes when it is done.

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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Золотая осень
На опушке леса золотом горит листва белоствольных берёз. Дрожат, трепещут на ветру
листочки хрупких осин. Вершины деревьев тонким кружевом вырисовываются на фоне
лазурного неба. Воздух необычайно чист и прозрачен. Солнце светит ярко, и от его лучей
вспыхивает листва на деревьях. Загорается куст на берегу мелкой лесной речушки. На
повороте реки застыла одинокая береза. А высокие вековые дубы еще зеленеют. Они, как
старшие братья, защищают молоденькую березку от холодных осенних ветров.
Прислушаемся: тихо-тихо вокруг, слышно только журчание воды в речушке да шелест
листвы на деревьях. Вдруг с севера налетает порывистый ветер, он срывает листья с
деревьев, они кружатся в воздухе и плавно опускаются на землю. Покрылась земля
разноцветным ковром. Когда идешь по такому пышному ковру, слышно, как листва
шуршит под ногами. Любуемся и восхищаемся мы прощальной красотой осеннего
пейзажа. Нам становится немножко грустно, но это тихая, поэтическая грусть.
1) Объясните значение выделенных в тексте
2) Подберите паронимы к одному из слов, выделенных курсивом; составьте
словосочетание с подобранным паронимом. Объясните значение слов-паронимов.
3) Определите тему, основную мысль текста, стиль и тип речи.