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A. Complete the sentences with adjectives about people:
1. Luigi is a very quiet person. He never says anything in meetings.
- quiet
2. I am ambitious, and I would really like to become the head of my department.
- ambitious
3. Leila is very diligent. She works longer hours than everyone else.
- diligent
4. Our new manager has lots of new ideas and she always finds good solutions to problems. She's very
- innovative
5. Heinrich likes going to parties and meeting new people. He's extremely
- sociable
6. You're late again. Could you try to be a bit more
- punctual
B. Complete the sentences with words from the box. Write Ø if no word is missing:
1. A motivating manager encourages employees to work well.
- at
2. A sales rep should never be rude
- to
3. Yasin is very helpful. He likes to do things
- for
4. Sandra always meets deadlines.
- on
5. Claudia is very practical. She is really good
- with
6. Sakiko is never late
- to
7. Yeliz likes working in a team and she gets on well
- with
8. A good employee always arrives
- on
9. He was nice, but he was not very popular
- with
10. Their new manager really knows how to motivate.
- Ø
Match the sentence halves to make definitions for other adjectives about people:
1. A successful person
- h) can always do what they try to do.
2. A confident person
- f) is sure that they can do something well.
3. A knowledgeable person
- e) knows a lot about a particular subject.
4. A patient person
- b) stays calm when they have to wait for a long time.
5. A polite person
- g) speaks or behaves in a way that is not rude to other people.
6. A reliable person
- a) does not let you down.
7. A smart person
- c) can do tasks well without wasting time.
8. An efficient person
- c) can do tasks well without wasting time.