2. Read the text. Correct the sentences below the text, if it is needed.
Visit Durham to see its cathedral - Durham Cathedral. Some sections are dating from the 11th century. It's a wonderful sight from the inside. When you enter its tiny door, you will be impressed by the height.. Durham Cathedral is considered to be the most original and intact of the AngloNorman churches. In addition, the church has the tombs of saints. See the cathedral's website for additional details on its history and dramatic architecture.
1) This paragraph is a magazine article about a very famous place in Britain.
2) Durham Cathedral is more beautiful outside than inside.3) Durham Cathedral has been ruined several times. Памагите пожалуйста Нужна срочно даю 40 балов
Visit Durham to see its cathedral - Durham Cathedral. Some sections date from the 11th century. It's a wonderful sight from the inside. When you enter its tiny door, you will be impressed by the height. Durham Cathedral is considered to be the most original and intact of the Anglo-Norman churches. In addition, the church has the tombs of saints. See the cathedral's website for additional details on its history and dramatic architecture.
1) This paragraph is a magazine article about a very famous place in Britain.
2) Durham Cathedral is more beautiful inside than outside.
3) Durham Cathedral has not been ruined several times.
1 вроде правильно
2.more beautiful inside than outside
3.Cathedral is considered to be the most original and intact(значит что он не почти нетронут,а следовательно не разрушался)