Предмет: Биология, автор: andrukolga

Объясните причины приводящие к синтезу и распаду молекулы АТФ​


Автор ответа: masapilipenko31
Синтез и распад молекулы АТФ (аденозинтрифосфата) являются процессами, связанными с энергетикой клетки. Вот основные причины, приводящие к этим процессам:

**Синтез АТФ:**

1. **Фотосинтез:** В растительных клетках происходит синтез АТФ в результате фотосинтеза. Зеленые растения используют солнечную энергию для преобразования углекислого газа и воды в глюкозу и кислород, сопровождая этот процесс созданием молекул АТФ.

2. **Гликолиз:** В ходе гликолиза, происходящего в цитоплазме клетки, молекулы глюкозы разлагаются с образованием АТФ.

3. **Цикл Кребса:** В митохондриях, цикл Кребса разлагает молекулы ацетил-КоА, высвобождая электроны, которые используются в последующем процессе.

4. **Фосфорилирование окислительное:** Во время электрон-транспортной цепи, электроны переносятся через белки митохондрий, что приводит к созданию градиента протонов. Этот градиент используется для синтеза АТФ в процессе фосфорилирования окислительного.

**Распад АТФ:**

1. **Механическая работа:** АТФ распадается, чтобы предоставить энергию для механической работы в клетке, такой как сокращение мышц.

2. **Транспорт веществ:** Процессы активного транспорта, перекачивающие вещества через клеточные мембраны, требуют энергии, поставляемой распадом АТФ.

3. **Химическая работа:** АТФ участвует в химических реакциях, например, синтезе биомолекул, и ее распад предоставляет энергию для этих процессов.

Таким образом, синтез и распад молекулы АТФ тесно связаны с обменом энергии в клетке и обеспечивают энергией различные жизненно важные процессы.
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ПОМОГИТЕ 100 БАЛОВ Reading (the first term)
I. Read the text and do the tasks.
Thomas Alva Edison
The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. Tom, or Al, as his family called him, was one of those children who are always asking "Why?" He was always trying to learn how things worked or how they were made. The boy's education was limited to three months in the public school of Port Huron, Michigan. He started work in 1859 when he was only twelve. Young Edison began to travel on one of the trains between Port Huron and Detroit. He sold fruit, sweets and cakes to the passengers. The hours that he had to wait at Detroit before starting' back home, he spent in the library reading technical books. Several years later, in 1863, Edison learned telegraphy and he became a telegraph operator. He was soon one of the fastest operators in a large telegraph company in Boston. He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it. Night after night he read "The Book of Experiments", by Michael Faraday, the inventor of the electric generator, in the hope that this would help him to solve his problems. He did not sleep more than four hours a night and sometimes he did not go to bed at ail. He often did not even find time for breakfast. "Aren't you going to stop to eat your breakfast?" his landlady once asked him. "No", he answered, "I've got so much to do, and life is short". After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new kind. This was his first important invention. Edison was advised to go to New York where the opportunities were greater. He did so, but when he reached New York in 1869, he had no money left at all. "I had to walk in the streets all night because I hadn't the price of bed, and in the morning nothing to buy breakfast with", he said. But soon he opened a small workshop. In 1867 he had two inventions. One of Edison's greatest inventions was the gramophone, or the "phonograph", as he called it, which repeated his words. He told his assistants that this was the beginning. The time would come, he said, when this new instrument would record music. "It will play symphonies and whole operas, the world will hear again the great singers who are no longer living". Another of Edison's inventions was the electric lamp.
Edison believed that only work could bring success. He continued active work until only eighteen days before his death in 1931, at the age of eighty-seven. That evening, Americans all over the country turned off their electric lights for a few moments — the light which, Edison had given them.
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Where was Edison born?
a) in New York;
in Detroit;
c) in Ohio.
2. When did he start work at the rail way?
a) at the age of fifty;
at the age of twenty; c) at the age of 12
3. What did young Edison do when he had to wait at Detroit before starting back home?
a) sold fruit, sweets and cakes;
b) spent hours in the library;
walked around the city.
4. What did Edison want to improve when he became a telegraph operator?
a) railway communication; b) a telegraph system; c)
streetlights in New York.
5. What was Edison's first invention?
a) a phonograph;
b) a transmitter of a new kind;
c) a motion picture projector.
6. What did Americans do the evening he died?'
a) turned off the electric lights:
b) organized meetings:
came to his place.
Il. Mark true or false statements.
1. He was one of those children who are always asking "Why?"
Edison got his education in a private school in Detroit.
3. He started work at the age of twelve when the first telegraph company appeared in the USA
4. He sold newspapers to the passengers on one of the trains.
He learned telegraphy and became one of the fastest operators in a telegraph company.
Edison went to New York because the opportunities were greater there.
7. At the age of twenty he had twelve inventions.
He invented a new instrument that could compose music
Edison believed that only a lot of money could bring success.
10. He continued active work until the day he died.