Тест, помогите пожалуйста быстрее

1. My van is **faster** than yours!
2. Travelling by car is **the best** way of travelling.
3. A holiday by bus is **more interesting** than a holiday by ferry.
4. Mr. Harris has got **the most interesting** car in the world!
5. Which is **the worst** way to get around? A) bad B) worse C) the worst
6. Trams are **safer** than cars.
Speaking Task 2: Answer the questions.
- Who is the nurse? The nurse is a healthcare professional who takes care of patients and assists doctors.
- Who is the photographer? The photographer is a person who takes photographs professionally or as a hobby.
- Who is the architect? The architect is a person who designs buildings and oversees their construction.
- Who is the dentist? The dentist is a healthcare professional who specializes in oral health and treats dental problems.
- Who is the electrician? The electrician is a skilled tradesperson who installs, repairs, and maintains electrical systems.
- Who is the news reporter? The news reporter is a journalist who investigates, gathers, and reports news stories.
- Who is the computer programmer? The computer programmer is a person who writes and develops computer programs.
- Who is the teacher? The teacher is an educator who imparts knowledge and instructs students in various subjects.
- Who is the mechanic? The mechanic is a person who repairs and maintains vehicles and machinery.