Предмет: Английский язык, автор: gulnurkhalmuhamed

Writing Task 3. Choose one of the topics and try to answer the questions Tips for writing You should • Try to answer correctly in 2 or 3 sentences for each question • Use appropriate grammatical structures • Use topic related vocabulary • Punctuate the words correctly Topic 1 Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. 1. Are friends sometimes more important than family? 2. Why do you like them? 3. What do you do together? 4. How do you make new friends? 5. How do you make friends? Topic 2 Happy is a man who is living by his hobby. 1. Why do people need hobbies? 2. What is your hobby? Is your hobby safe or dangerous? 3. Can you make money from doing your hobby? 4. What is a popular hobby in your country? 5. Did you have hobby in your childhood? 1​


Автор ответа: danylobog

Topic 1: Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

Are friends sometimes more important than family?

Friends can be equally important as family, as they offer emotional support, understanding, and companionship that complements familial relationships.

Why do you like them?

I appreciate my friends for their loyalty, shared interests, and the ability to provide a different perspective, enriching my life with diverse experiences.

What do you do together?

We engage in various activities such as exploring new places, enjoying hobbies, or simply spending quality time chatting and laughing, fostering a strong bond.

How do you make new friends?

Making new friends involves being open-minded, participating in social activities, and initiating conversations with people who share common interests or values.

How do you make friends?

Building friendships requires genuine communication, active listening, and being supportive, creating a foundation of trust and understanding between individuals.

Topic 2: Happy is a man who is living by his hobby.

Why do people need hobbies?

Hobbies provide a creative outlet, reduce stress, and contribute to personal well-being by offering a break from routine, fostering passion, and enhancing overall life satisfaction.

What is your hobby? Is your hobby safe or dangerous?

My hobby is photography, and it is generally safe as it involves capturing moments and exploring creativity. However, safety precautions must be considered, especially in challenging environments.

Can you make money from doing your hobby?

While some hobbies can turn into profitable ventures, such as selling artwork or photography, the primary purpose of a hobby is personal enjoyment rather than financial gain.

What is a popular hobby in your country?

In my country, gardening is a popular hobby, providing a therapeutic and rewarding experience as individuals cultivate plants and create beautiful outdoor spaces.

Did you have a hobby in your childhood?

Yes, in my childhood, I enjoyed collecting stamps, which not only sparked my interest in different cultures but also taught me patience and attention to detail.

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