Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lenamironenko46

10 Write an article about the following statement: 'Every person on Earth is responsible for climate change and global warming. Do you agree? . Say whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Give two arguments in support of your opinion and give examples. Give two arguments in support of the opposing view. Present a counter-argument.​


Автор ответа: zlatapihtareva


Title: The Shared Responsibility of Climate Change: A Global Debate


The assertion that every person on Earth is responsible for climate change and global warming sparks a contentious debate. This article aims to explore both sides of the argument, presenting arguments in favor and against this statement, ultimately contributing to a nuanced understanding of individual accountability for environmental issues.

Agreeing Perspective:

1. **Consumption Patterns:**

Individuals contribute to climate change through their consumption patterns. The demand for energy-intensive products, such as meat and fast fashion, significantly impacts greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, livestock farming contributes to methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. By making conscious choices about consumption, individuals can reduce their carbon footprint.

*Example:* Choosing a plant-based diet or opting for sustainable clothing options can significantly reduce an individual's environmental impact.

2. **Carbon Footprint:**

Daily activities, including transportation choices and energy consumption, contribute to an individual's carbon footprint. Fossil fuel usage in transportation and energy production releases large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere. Adopting eco-friendly transportation methods and supporting renewable energy initiatives are ways individuals can actively combat climate change.

*Example:* Opting for public transportation, cycling, or driving electric vehicles can lower an individual's carbon footprint.

Opposing Perspective:

1. **Systemic Issues:**

Critics argue that systemic issues, such as industrial activities and government policies, play a more significant role in climate change than individual actions. Large corporations and industries contribute disproportionately to greenhouse gas emissions. Holding individuals solely accountable may distract from the urgent need for systemic change.

*Example:* Industrial activities, especially those reliant on fossil fuels, contribute substantially to global emissions, often overshadowing individual efforts.

2. **Global Disparities:**

The responsibility for climate change is not equally distributed worldwide. Developed nations historically contributed more to carbon emissions during industrialization. Advocates for this perspective argue that holding every person accountable oversimplifies the issue and neglects historical imbalances in emissions.

*Example:* Per capita carbon emissions are significantly higher in developed countries compared to developing nations due to industrialization.


While systemic issues and global disparities play a crucial role, individual actions collectively form a significant force for change. Acknowledging personal responsibility empowers individuals to advocate for broader systemic changes and hold industries and governments accountable. The combination of both individual and systemic efforts is essential for combating climate change effectively.


The question of whether every person on Earth is responsible for climate change is complex. Both perspectives bring valuable insights to the discussion. Recognizing individual responsibility is a crucial step towards fostering a collective commitment to sustainable practices. However, addressing climate change comprehensively requires a multifaceted approach that includes systemic changes, international cooperation, and continuous efforts from individuals to make environmentally conscious choices.


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