Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vikais20052007

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Task 2. Complete the gaps (1-6) in the text with the missing sentence

(AG). There is one extra sentence. Young people change the world

Are teens lazy and selfish? We don't think so. This week, we look at twe teenagers who started charities and changed the lives of many people.

Kids Saving the Rainforest

In 1999, Janine Licare and Aistin Livingstone were nine-year-old friend- who lived near the rainforest in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. It is a beautifu natural area.1.___The area was becoming popular with tourists, and people were cutting down trees to make new roads and hotels. Animais like monkey were dying, too. Cars often hit them on the roads.

The girls wanted to stop the destruction so they started a charity called Kids Saving the Rainforest. Soon, they had enough money to buy a small area of rainforest. The charity now owns this land, so the trees are protected forever. The girls helped the wildlife, too. 2___They also build rope bridges which go between trees so animals like monkeys can use them to safely cross roads. 3__Kids Saving the Rainforest is still a small charity, but it is growing fast

Free the Children

In 1995, when Canadian Craig Kielburger was twelve years old, he read a story in a newspaper. 4__After he read this article, Craig started to find out about child labour. He discovered that 215 million school children around the world regularly go to work. 5__And they can't go to school because they need to earn money for their families. Craig felt angry when he learned this. So. that year, he started a charity which he called Free the Children. After that, Craig worked very hard to stop child labour. He travelled to Africa and Asia and met children who had to work. He thought about the comfortable life which he had in Canada, and compared it with theirs. Craig's older brother Marc soon started to work with him, and since then, their charity has built schools in many countries. 6__Thanks to them, thousands of poor children

have had an education. And the chance of a better life.

A It was about a boy in Pakistan who had to go to work every day.

B Because of this, the local monkey population has started to recover.

C It has also helped many poor parents to send their children to school.

D Because of this, these children don't have the chance of a normal life.

E But the girls realised that their beautiful forest was in danger.

F. Many of them have dirty, dangerous jobs.

G The charity started a rescue centre to help sick and injured animals.


Автор ответа: anfisapolsuk


1.Е 2.G 3.B 4.A 5.F 6.C


E But the girls realised that their beautiful forest was in danger.

G The charity started a rescue centre to help sick and injured animals.

B Because of this, the local monkey population has started to recover.

A It was about a boy in Pakistan who had to go to work every day.

F Many of them have dirty, dangerous jobs.

C It has also helped many poor parents to send their children to school.

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