Предмет: Английский язык, автор: safina333890

3 Over to you: Tell the class.
1 Do you like the story? Why?/Why not?
2 What's your favourite part of the story?
3 Why should we respect brave people like the old watchman?
Пожалуйста срочно

formyps42022: а какая история то
formyps42022: без самой истории не получится


Автор ответа: gagarinaasus


Yes, This story very cool because any people can take it one's own way. 2. I think that the second part is the best, because it completely conveys the problems of teenagers. 3. 1 reason your parents always care about you and want the best for you, 2 reason Parents have lived a lot and seen a lot, so they will help you in different situations. 3 reason Parents are trying to listen to you, reciprocate.

balnuraainabekova198: Правильно?
Автор ответа: formyps42022

1. Do you like the story? Why?/Why not?

  - I find the story captivating because it weaves a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. The characters are well-developed, and the plot unfolds in a way that keeps the reader hooked. The author skillfully incorporates various elements that make the story relatable and relevant.

2. What's your favourite part of the story?

  - My favorite part of the story is when [specific event or character interaction. This particular moment stands out to me because [explain why it resonates with you]. It adds a layer of depth to the overall narrative and enhances the emotional impact of the story.

3. Why should we respect brave people like the old watchman?

  - Respecting brave individuals, such as the old watchman in the story, is crucial because their courage often comes from a sense of duty and selflessness. These individuals put their well-being at risk to protect others or uphold principles they believe in. By respecting them, we acknowledge and honor their sacrifices, fostering a society that values courage, integrity, and the well-being of the community. Additionally, showing respect for bravery can inspire others to act courageously in their own lives, contributing to a culture of strength and resilience.

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