Match the words with the definitions.
Anchor - a rope used for pulling;
Pier - having the same frequency and always in the same phase;
Tug - a heavy object attached to a cable or chain and used to moor a ship to the sea bottom;
Catenary - a series of linked metal rings used for fastening or securing something, or for pulling loads;
Mooring line - a band of tightly woven and clamped ropes, of a defined cable length;
In step - a curve formed by a wire, rope, or chain hanging freely from two points that are not in the same vertical line;
Towing hawser - to entangle or entwine, and more generally that something is wrong or difficult;
Chain - a platform on pillars projecting from the shore into the sea;
To foul - a large rope for towing, mooring, or securing a ship;
Cable - a line that holds a boat in place;
Of course, here are the correct matches:
1. Anchor - A heavy object attached to a cable or chain and used to moor a ship to the sea bottom.
2. Pier - A platform on pillars projecting from the shore into the sea.
3. Tug - A large rope for towing, mooring, or securing a ship.
4. Catenary - A curve formed by a wire, rope, or chain hanging freely from two points that are not in the same vertical line.
5. Mooring line - A line that holds a boat in place.
6. In step - Having the same frequency and always in the same phase.
7. Towing hawser - A rope used for pulling.
8. Chain - A series of linked metal rings used for fastening or securing something or for pulling loads.
9. Cable - A band of tightly woven and clamped ropes of a defined cable length.
10. To foul - To entangle or entwine, and more generally that something is wrong or difficult.