Предмет: Английский язык, автор: katrinalila639

Task 1. Match the underlined words to their definitions. Think about the context of the words. 1. In 1939, Nazi Germany decided to invade Poland. 2. Britain and France were allies in World War II. 3. Approximately 300,000 Iraqi soldiers were wounded during the first Gulf War in 1991. 4. US president Kennedy sent troops to Vietnam in 1962. 5. North and South Korea agreed to a truce in 1953. 6. The conflict between Greece and Persia lasted about 50 years. 7. In 1914, an international crisis resulted in the outbreak of World War I. 8. The total number of casualties in World War I was over 37 million. 9. In Roman times, the sword was considered to be an effective weapon. a. an agreement to stop fighting for a certain period of time b. a strong disagreement or war c. countries who are friends d. enter a country by force e. groups or individual soldiers f. injured while fighting g. people who are injured or killed during a war h. something that is designed to cause harm or damage i. the start of a war Task 2. Terrorism is violent action for political reasons. Match the verbs on the left to the nouns and phrases on the right to form collocations. 1. hijack a) a plane 2. release b) a bomb 3. negotiate c) a prisoner exchange 4. agree to d) hostages 5. plant e) propaganda 6. spread f) the terrorists' demands​


Автор ответа: novvada25


Task 1:

1. In 1939, Nazi Germany decided to invade Poland. - d. enter a country by force

2. Britain and France were allies in World War II. - c. countries who are friends

3. Approximately 300,000 Iraqi soldiers were wounded during the first Gulf War in 1991. - f. injured while fighting

4. US president Kennedy sent troops to Vietnam in 1962. - b. a strong disagreement or war

5. North and South Korea agreed to a truce in 1953. - a. an agreement to stop fighting for a certain period of time

6. The conflict between Greece and Persia lasted about 50 years. - b. a strong disagreement or war

7. In 1914, an international crisis resulted in the outbreak of World War I. - i. the start of a war

8. The total number of casualties in World War I was over 37 million. - g. people who are injured or killed during a war

9. In Roman times, the sword was considered to be an effective weapon. - h. something that is designed to cause harm or damage

Task 2:

1. hijack a) a plane

2. release d) hostages

3. negotiate c) a prisoner exchange

4. agree to f) the terrorists' demands

5. plant b) a bomb

6. spread e) propaganda

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