embarrassed neighbour ankle campsite queue strange pavement
adventure mystery
1. Nobody knows what happened.
It's a(n)
2. We stayed at a nice
3. There was a(n)_
and I was scared.
4. When Susan fell down the stairs, everyone started
in France last
woman behind me
laughing. She was really
5. Last summer I was alone because all my friends
were on holiday. I felt very
6. Remember! Always walk on the
and never in the road.
7. There's a long
8. Karen sprained her
outside the cinema.
while she was
playing tennis
9. Last year we got lost in a forest. It was quite
10. My next door
found a huge
footprint in his garden this morning
Найдите пж быстро !!!
Задание A

1. Nobody knows what happened. It's a mystery.
Никто не знает, что произошло. Это тайна.
2. We stayed at a nice funfair in France last June.
В июне прошлого года мы останавливались на хорошей ярмарке во Франции.
3. There was a strange woman behind me and I was scared.
Позади меня была странная женщина и мне стало страшно.
4. When Susan fell down the stairs, everyone started laughing. She was really embarrassed.
Когда Сьюзан упала с лестницы, все стали смеяться. Она была очень смущена.
5. Last summer I was alone because all my friends were on holiday. I felt very lonely.
Прошлым летом я был один, потому что все мои друзья были на отдыхе. Я чувствовал себя очень одиноким.
6. Remember! Always walk on the pavement and never in the road.
Помни! Всегда ходи по тротуару и никогда не ходи по дороге.
7. There's a long queue outside the cinema.
Возле кинотеатра длинная очередь.
8. Karen sprained her ankle while she was playing tennis.
Карен вывихнула лодыжку, пока играла в теннис.
9. Last year we got lost in a forest. It was quite an adventure.
В прошлом году мы заблудились в лесу. Это было настоящее приключение.
10. My next door neighbour found a huge footprint in his garden this morning.
Сегодня утром мой сосед обнаружил в своем саду огромный след.