And now for our report on the match between the English and French (…) : Paris Saint Germain and Manchester City. There were four goals in the first (h…) and the teams went off the pitch with the score at 2–2. After the break, the (r…) gave Manchester City's goalkeeper a red for a bad foul. The Manchester City (f…) weren't happy, but most people agreed with the decision. At this point, the Manchester City (m…) decided to change two players and surprised everyone when he took off the team's (c…) .
With no leader on the pitch, the Manchester City players didn't know what to do and PSG scored three times in ten minutes.
Manchester City got a goal in the ninetieth minute but the final (s…) was 5–3 to PSG. They will now play Barcelona in the quarter- (f…)
In athletics, there was joy for the Nigerian 400 metres runner, Amina Edoro. She won the gold (m..) and also broke the world (r…) with a time of 45.08 seconds
And now for our report on the match between the English and French teams: Paris Saint Germain and Manchester City. There were four goals in the first half, and the teams went off the pitch with the score at 2–2. After the break, the referee gave Manchester City's goalkeeper a red card for a bad foul. The Manchester City fans weren't happy, but most people agreed with the decision. At this point, the Manchester City manager decided to change two players and surprised everyone when he took off the team's captain.
With no leader on the pitch, the Manchester City players didn't know what to do, and PSG scored three times in ten minutes.
Manchester City got a goal in the ninetieth minute, but the final score was 5–3 to PSG. They will now play Barcelona in the quarter-finals.
In athletics, there was joy for the Nigerian 400 meters runner, Amina Edoro. She won the gold medal and also broke the world record with a time of 45.08 seconds.
перевод:А теперь наш отчет о матче между английской и французской командами: Пари Сен-Жермен и Манчестер Сити. В первом тайме было забито четыре гола, и команды ушли с поля при счете 2-2. После перерыва судья показал красную карточку вратарю Манчестер Сити за грубый фол. Фанаты Манчестер Сити не были довольны, но большинство согласилось с решением. На этом этапе тренер Манчестер Сити решил заменить двух игроков и удивил всех, когда снял капитана команды.
Без лидера на поле игроки Манчестер Сити не знали, что делать, и ПСЖ забил три раза за десять минут.
Манчестер Сити забил гол на девяностой минуте, но итоговый счет был 5-3 в пользу ПСЖ. Теперь им предстоит сыграть с Барселоной в четвертьфинале.
В легкой атлетике радость была для нигерийской бегуньи на 400 метров Амины Эдоро. Она выиграла золотую медаль и также установила мировой рекорд со временем 45,08 секунд.
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