Предмет: Українська література, автор: bovshovecm

допоможіть написати міні-твір ( 5-7 речень) "Чи подобається мені герой казки "Микита Кожум'яка" й чим?"


Автор ответа: a59248039


Герой казки "Микита Кожум'яка" мені захоплює своєю неординарністю та винахідливістю. Його пригоди та витівки завжди залишають після себе посмішку. Микита - справжній майстер виходження із складних ситуацій, завдяки влучним рішенням та невичерпній енергії.

Його безтурботний підхід до життя та непохитна віра в свої сили роблять його симпатичним. Герой вміє знайти радість у найзвичайніших речах і навчив мене цінувати кожен момент. Він є втіленням оптимізму та впевненості в собі, і саме тому Микита Кожум'яка залишає невиліковний слід у моєму серці.

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We know that people learned to write long, long ago. For more than 7,000 years people have been writing down their thoughts. But even before people learned to write they could sing! Music began even before writing.
The people of old times drew themselves on rocks. Some of the pictures that preserved show dancers and singers, and also people playing some musical instruments. So our earliest ancestors were fond of music.
How did people learn to sing? What musical instruments did they play?
Archaeologists and musicologists give the answer to these questions.
Our ancestors lived in groups because only together they could get their food and defend themselves from wild animals. They learned to make tools and work together.
The group of early men worked together like an orchestra and they usually murmured to each movement of their hand or foot. Without the murmuring (or
"singing") they could not do the work.
Later people learned to make other and better tools and it was not necessary to sing during their work. But singing began, and there are songs in many countries which are probably children of these first work songs.
When man made his earliest tools, he learned to make musical instruments, too.
Those pictures on rocks show people playing musical instruments. A very careful analysis of the bones of animals that archaeologists found in a number of ice-age camps show that the men of that time could use them for making sounds. So bones of animals, horns, pieces of wood were man's first musical instruments. By blowing into horns or bones people could make a very loud sound. They could also make sounds by beating one piece of wood against another or a piece of wood against a stone. People of that time could also use strings and fur to make musical instruments. That was the time when people did not have metal. And yet they could sing and were fond of music.
Read the text and choose the correct item to complete the sentence.
1. For more than 7,000 years people have been writing down their ...
A. music
B. stories
C. thoughts