Предмет: Английский язык, автор: olegcikanov658

D. Choose a, borc. A: So, Mr Andrews, have you got any work experience in fashion? B: Well, at university I (1) A: Did you (2) B: No, but I (3) articles for a fashion magazine and that's why I thought that this was the perfect job for me. working for that magazine after you got your degree? for a local newspaper after finishing university. It was a great experience working there. that job? A: Why (4) B: I had to. It was too far from my house and I (5). day, I was really tired. A: I see here that you're fluent in Spanish. (6) B: Not exactly. When I was young, my family and I lived in Spain. We (7) here. A: If you started working here, could you work during the weekends? B: Surel 1 (8) during the weekends at my previous job too, so I don't mind. 1. a. used to write 2. a. continue 3. a. work 4. a. you leave 5. a. used to wake up b. use to write b. continued b. worked b. did you leave b. use to wake up 6. a. You did study b. Did you use to study 7. a. came b. did come 8. a. didn't use to work b. use to work at about 5:30 in the morning to get to work. At the end of the the language while you were at university? c. didn't write c. use to continue c. use to work c. you left c. didn't use to wake up c. Did you study c. didn't come c. used to work back when my father got a better job​


Автор ответа: vhasii


1. b. continued

2. a. continue

3. a. work

4. c. you leave

5. b. used to wake up

6. b. Did you use to study

7. a. came

8. a. didn't use to work


Автор ответа: pruroda682


Let's complete the sentences with the correct options:

1.B: Well, at university I (1) used to write articles for a fashion magazine and that's why I thought that this was the perfect job for me.

2.A: Did you (2) continue working for that magazine after you got your degree?

3.B: No, but I (3) worked for a local newspaper after finishing university. It was a great experience working there.

4.A: Why (4) did you leave that job?

5.B: I had to. It was too far from my house and I (5) used to wake up at about 5:30 in the morning to get to work. At the end of the day, I was really tired.

6.A: If you started working here, could you work during the weekends?

B.: Sure! (6) Did you use to study the language while you were at university?

7.B: Not exactly. When I was young, my family and I (7) did come here.

8.B: Sure! (8) I used to work during the weekends at my previous job too, so I don't mind.


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