The sun was shining and Tom was having a lovely time fishing,
kawing is having
when suddenly he realising there was a handbag in the middle of the river.
On the other side of the river, a woman frying to get the bag with her umbrella.
While Tom saw the woman was having trouble, he decided to help her.
He used his walking pole to try to get the handbag, but that not work.
So he took off his shoes, did climbed into the river and swam across to the bag.
Then he was threw the bag across the river to the woman.
She caught the bag and checked that all her things was in it.
Then she take out a ten pound note and folded it so that it looked like a boat.
Shortly afterwards, she put the little boat on the river and it sailed across to Tom.
It seems like there are some errors and incomplete sentences in the passage. Here is a revised version for better clarity and correct grammar:
"The sun was shining, and Tom was having a lovely time fishing when suddenly he realized there was a handbag in the middle of the river. On the other side of the river, a woman was trying to reach the bag with her umbrella. Seeing that the woman was having trouble, Tom decided to help her.
He used his walking pole to try to retrieve the handbag, but that didn't work. So, he took off his shoes, climbed into the river, and swam across to the bag. Then, he threw the bag across the river to the woman. She caught the bag and checked that all her things were in it.
Afterward, she took out a ten-pound note and folded it so that it looked like a boat. Shortly afterward, she put the little boat on the river, and it sailed across to Tom."
This revised version corrects the grammar, completes the sentences, and ensures a smoother flow of the story.