Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Miyazaki13
Task 10.Underline the stressed syllable in pairs of words below. How does the meaning change with the change of word stress?
Example: to susPECT( meaning: to have an opinion);
а SUSpect ( meaning: a person under suspicion);
to preSENT( meaning: to give, to introduce);
a PREsent ( meaning: a gift).
to conflict, a conflict
to contest, a contest
to contract, acontract
to convert, a convert
to convict, a convict
to incline, anincline
to insult, an insult
to object, an object
to permit, apermit
to produce, a produce
to project, a project
to protest, aprotest
to rebel, a rebel
to recall, a recall
to reject, a reject
to research, a research
to concert, a concert
to survey, asurvey
Автор ответа:
to conFLICT (meaning: to be in opposition); a CONflict (meaning: a disagreement or struggle)
to conTEST (meaning: to compete); a CONtest (meaning: a competition)
to conTRACT (meaning: to make a formal agreement); a CONtract (meaning: a formal agreement)
to conVERT (meaning: to change); a CONvert (meaning: a person who has changed their religious or political beliefs)
to conVICT (meaning: to find guilty); a CONvict (meaning: a person found guilty of a crime)
to inCLINE (meaning: to slope or lean); an INcline (meaning: a slope)
to inSULT (meaning: to offend or treat with disrespect); an INsult (meaning: offensive or disrespectful remark)
to obJECT (meaning: to express disagreement); an OBject (meaning: a thing)
to perMIT (meaning: to allow); a PERmit (meaning: an official document giving permission)
to proDUCE (meaning: to create or make); a PROduce (meaning: fruits and vegetables)
to proJECT (meaning: to plan or propose); a PROject (meaning: a planned undertaking)
to proTEST (meaning: to express strong disagreement); a PROtest (meaning: a demonstration or declaration of objection)
to reBEL (meaning: to resist authority); a REbel (meaning: a person who resists authority)
to reCALL (meaning: to remember or bring back); a REcall (meaning: an official request to return a product)
to reJECT (meaning: to refuse); a REject (meaning: something or someone rejected)
to reSEARCH (meaning: to investigate systematically); a REsearch (meaning: a detailed study or investigation)
to conCERT (meaning: a musical performance); a CONcert (meaning: a public musical performance)
to surVEY (meaning: to examine or study); a SURvey (meaning: a detailed study or analysis)
to conTEST (meaning: to compete); a CONtest (meaning: a competition)
to conTRACT (meaning: to make a formal agreement); a CONtract (meaning: a formal agreement)
to conVERT (meaning: to change); a CONvert (meaning: a person who has changed their religious or political beliefs)
to conVICT (meaning: to find guilty); a CONvict (meaning: a person found guilty of a crime)
to inCLINE (meaning: to slope or lean); an INcline (meaning: a slope)
to inSULT (meaning: to offend or treat with disrespect); an INsult (meaning: offensive or disrespectful remark)
to obJECT (meaning: to express disagreement); an OBject (meaning: a thing)
to perMIT (meaning: to allow); a PERmit (meaning: an official document giving permission)
to proDUCE (meaning: to create or make); a PROduce (meaning: fruits and vegetables)
to proJECT (meaning: to plan or propose); a PROject (meaning: a planned undertaking)
to proTEST (meaning: to express strong disagreement); a PROtest (meaning: a demonstration or declaration of objection)
to reBEL (meaning: to resist authority); a REbel (meaning: a person who resists authority)
to reCALL (meaning: to remember or bring back); a REcall (meaning: an official request to return a product)
to reJECT (meaning: to refuse); a REject (meaning: something or someone rejected)
to reSEARCH (meaning: to investigate systematically); a REsearch (meaning: a detailed study or investigation)
to conCERT (meaning: a musical performance); a CONcert (meaning: a public musical performance)
to surVEY (meaning: to examine or study); a SURvey (meaning: a detailed study or analysis)
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