Предмет: Русский язык, автор: valeriabntar

народов. Определи тип текста: описание или повествование. 1. Рассмотри картинки. Прочитай текст и узнай, какие бывают дома у разных Юрма жилище круглой формы. Юрты есть (у)казахов, киргизов, калмыков, монголов. Чтобы (от)кочевать, юрту могли (со)брать (за)два часа. Изба жилой дом (из)брёвен. Крышу (у)кра- шали деревянным коньком. (Под)окном делали резной (под)оконник. - - Иглу жилище эскимосов (из)ледяных плит. Чтобы дом был крепче, его (об)ливали водой. - Túnu жилище коренных жителей Амери- ки. Это строение делали (из)жердей, которые (по)крывали оленьими шкурами ои.​


Автор ответа: bulbulai2013

Ты тупая хвхахпхахахпхпаххапх

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: jaroslavsusik
If you decide to apply for a job in the western countries, you will probably need to form two documents: a letter of interest and a resume. This is the way how to do it. Read the letter of interest and a resume and try to write your own documents of the same kind.

a) a letter of interest

Dear Sir or Madame,

I graduated from Kyiv State University in 1985. Now I am finishing my post-graduate studies to defend my candidate thesis this winter. My major subject is called the theory of literature, which includes the study of the history of Ukrainian and foreign literature.

I am interested in working in the Ukrainian department of your University as a teacher of Ukrainian and Ukrainian literature for the school year 1998—1999. In high school I gained experience teaching Ukrainian to foreign students. In your department I could assist in the teaching of grammar, conduct a class in Ukrainian conversation or give lectures on Ukrainian literature.

If you are interested, please write me at the above address. I will look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Petrenko I. I.

b) a resume

EDUCATION Kyiv State University, Philological Faculty, English Department (1983). Kyiv State University. Postgraduate course (1990).

EXPERIENCE Kyiv State University. Philological Faculty. I delivered lectures on European Literature of the 17—18th centuries (Fall 1988 Present).

Kyiv State University. Philological Faculty Department of Ukrainian language. Lecturer on Ukrainian Literature of the 19—20th centuries (Fall 1988 — Summer 1994). Kyiv State University. Summer Courses of Ukrainian Language for Foreign Students. Teacher of Ukrainian Language (Summer 1989, 1990, 1991). Kyiv State University. Department of English. Teacher of English (1988—1994).

ACTIVITIES Intercontact Co-operative Firm. Courses of intensive studies of foreign languages. Teacher of English. Kyiv State University Exchange program by Kyiv and Eastern Washington Universities. Tutor of American postgraduates in Ukrainian conversa-tional skills (Fall 1989 — winter 1990). Private English lessons (Fall 1989 — Present).

PUBLICATIONS I am the author of 6 articles published in different editions of collections of articles. The topic of these articles is related to folk and romantic British balladry, the latter being the subject of my candidate thesis which I am going to defend this year.

LANGUAGES Ukrainian (native language), English, French.
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним