Предмет: Английский язык, автор: danakarazhigit5

3 Put the verbs in the correct tense. CHECK
Identify the type of conditional.
Which sentences need a comma?
1 When everyone in the village
building a new school...
? 2 If we
? 3 If I were you I
? 4 She
? 5 If the event had been advertised on social media we
? 6 There
? 7 The children
? 8 Unless we protect black rhinos they
(have) clean drinking water we will start thinking about
(not/find) a way to protect endangered species they will disappear.
(volunteer) for a charity this summer.
(not/realise) poverty was a serious problem in the city if she hadn't visited the slums.
(raise) a lot more money.
(be) fewer homeless people on the streets if we build more shelters.
(not/learn) to read and write if they don't go to school.
(become) extinct.


Автор ответа: ulugbekbarakaev750

1. When everyone in the village **is building** a new school... (Simple Present)

Type of conditional: This is not a complete conditional sentence. It needs a main clause to form a Zero or First Conditional typically used for factual or planned future events.

Comma: No comma needed.

2. If we **do not find** a way to protect endangered species, they will disappear. (First Conditional)

Type of conditional: First Conditional is used to talk about real and possible situations in the future.

Comma: Yes, after the conditional clause.

3. If I were you, I **would volunteer** for a charity this summer. (Second Conditional)

Type of conditional: Second Conditional, used for hypothetical or unlikely situations.

Comma: Yes, after the conditional clause.

4. She **would not have realized** poverty was a serious problem in the city if she hadn't visited the slums. (Third Conditional)

Type of conditional: Third Conditional, used to talk about a situation in the past that did not happen.

Comma: Yes, after the main clause if it starts the sentence.

5. If the event had been advertised on social media, we **would have raised** a lot more money. (Third Conditional)

Type of conditional: Third Conditional, referring to an alternative past event that did not happen.

Comma: Yes, after the conditional clause.

6. There **would be** fewer homeless people on the streets if we built more shelters. (Second Conditional)

Type of conditional: Second Conditional, used for hypothetical future situations.

Comma: Yes, after the main clause if it starts the sentence.

7. The children **will not learn** to read and write if they don't go to school. (First Conditional)

Type of conditional: First Conditional, for a possible future event or situation.

Comma: Yes, after the main clause if it starts the sentence.

8. Unless we protect black rhinos, they **will become** extinct. (First Conditional)

Type of conditional: First Conditional, similar to an 'if' condition, but 'unless' indicates the condition is about something that should not happen.

Comma: Yes, after the conditional clause.

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