Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Mksm6790

Task. Choose ONE of the topics below. • Express your opinion on topic. • Connect your ideas into a paragraph. • Use Future Simple • Use correct form of modal verbs. • Use appropriate punctuation. Topic 1. Our neighbourhood country. What do you know about your neighbouhood? Write about the country you like in your neighbourhood. Write what you can do there and explain why you like sightseeing of c Why your friends should visit these interesting places in future. Topic 2. Transport in Kazaakhstan Write what people can change to know transport system in place where you live. Writ Write why people know about harmful way of transport system. Speaking Task Choose one of the cards and make up an individual talk. Use subject related vocabulary while tall given topic. You have 1 minute to prepare and 1-2 minutes to talk hand The following questions will help you Card 1


Автор ответа: seper3681


**Topic 1: Our Neighborhood Country**

In the future, I envision my neighborhood country becoming an even more attractive destination for both locals and tourists alike. The diversity of cultural and historical sites makes it an exciting place to explore. In the coming years, I believe the government should invest in preserving and promoting these attractions. Future plans include the development of interactive museums, guided tours, and cultural events that showcase the rich heritage of the country. With the proper infrastructure in place, transportation within the country will become more efficient, encouraging people to visit various regions. Additionally, sustainable practices should be implemented to ensure the preservation of natural landmarks. I hope my friends consider visiting these interesting places in the future, experiencing the unique blend of tradition and modernity that our neighborhood country offers.


**Speaking Task - Card 1**

**Hello! Today, I'd like to talk about the intriguing topic of sustainable transportation in our city. As we look to the future, it's crucial for us to consider eco-friendly alternatives for commuting. One significant change we can make is to invest in reliable public transportation systems, such as electric buses and trains. These modes not only reduce our carbon footprint but also alleviate traffic congestion. Additionally, promoting cycling as a viable means of transportation would contribute to a healthier environment. Imagine a city where bike lanes are widespread, making it safe and convenient for people to pedal their way to work. With these changes, we can pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future. Thank you.**

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kiryaandmilan98

— Many people think that life was better in the past. The air was cleaner, the water was purer and life was safer.

— No wonder, because there are a lot of environmental problems nowadays. You only have to listen to TV news to realize that they are not solved.

— You are quite right! However, problems such as the hole in the ozone layer and acid rain often seem unimportant to us. It’s difficult to get upset about tropical forests on the other side of the planet.

— I can’t agree with you. Of course, we can’t see ozone holes, but the dangerous rays of the sun get through the atmosphere, causing skin cancer and other diseases. More and more often people are told not to be in direct sunlight.

— To tell the truth, air pollution seems to be much more serious problem. We pollute the air we breathe. Everyone can see smoke coming out of tall factory chimneys. Everyone can smell the gas from the back of a bus. In big cities the concentration of harmful substances in the air is rather high. This can also have disastrous consequences for our health.

— I am of the same opinion. Water pollution is another serious problem. Thousands of fish die every year because factories pour a lot of waste into rivers. If people drink polluted water, they may die too.

— What is more, the seas are also in danger. When I went with my parents to the seaside last summer, I was surprised that the water was not blue but brown with rubbish floating in it.

— But the most urgent environmental problem is nuclear pollution. I am against the use of nuclear energy. The waste products can last hundreds of years.

— And who is to blame for all these environmental problems?

— The answer is simple: all of us. The technological progress of the 20th century resulted in widespread mechanization, atomic powers stations, new roads and highways. But it cannot be denied that the price for rapid industrial development is very high.

— Should we reject the progress then?

— Never! But we must take control of the progress to give it a humanistic direction. We must take into consideration all the factors that people’s survival depends upon. The solution of the environmental problems requires the cooperation of all nations.

— Are you a Greenpeace supporter?

— Yes, I am. It’s a noble aim to keep the planet and cities clean. We want everybody to do his or her best in caring for all human beings and living creatures.

Fill in the gaps:

1. More and more often people are told not to be in direct _________


2. In big cities the concentration of harmful _________

in the air is rather high.

3. We must take into consideration all the factors that people’s ________

depends upon.

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