Срооооочнооо 50 балов

B: That sounds delicious! I usually have a sandwich with chicken or turkey for lunch, along with some grapes or a pear for a sweet treat.
B: First I have coffee. I need it to wake up in the morning! But I don't have any sugar in it. Then I have bread or cereal and butter.
A: I don't eat breakfast. I don't have time in the morning. But I drink green tea or apple juice.
B: No breakfast! Are you hungry at work?
A: Yes! Sometimes I eat lunch early, at 11 a.m. I go to a café near my office for lunch. I like hot noodles with vegetables. I'm a vegetarian, though, so I don't have any chicken with it.
B: I like vegetables for lunch, too. I make a salad when I work at home. I make it with lettuce, tomatoes and carrots. - I put oil on it, too.
A: Yum! But I need a big lunch. So I always eat a pear or some grapes as well.