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Dеar имя друга,
Thanks for your message. Im glad to hear from you as always.
Im writing this to tell you about my summer holidays. This weekend i was in St. Petersburg. It was really amazing to visit this art russian city!
As ususal, in this place was not really hot and sunny. The weather was awful. It was very windy and rained heavily. But sometimes the sun broke through the clouds.
We stayed in an good hotel with foer stars of prestige. Its called Holiday inn Saint Petersburg. There were really cozy rooms and a pleasant servece.
Firstly, we went to sightseing. I saw a lot of tourist attractions! For example, Palace Square, The Hermitage museum and others. It was so exicting! I also bought a few souvenirs for you and others.
So, thats all for now. Looking foward to your answer.
Write back soon.
best wishes,
твое имя
Написала письмо про то, как ты ездил(а) в Санкт-Петербург.