Предмет: Українська мова, автор: kuznezova1325

2.З’ясуйте, якими частинами мови є виділені слова у віршованих рядках (цифра позначає наступне слово)
(1) І знов лелека (2) молиться до зірки.
Клинець (3) городу хочу врожаю.
Є жменя жита, маку є півмірки,
і чорнобривці, й (4) трохи рижію.
А іменник
Б сполучник
В прислівник
Г прийменник
Д дієслово
3. З’ясуйте, якими частинами мови є виділені слова у віршованих рядках (цифра позначає наступне слово)
Багряне сонце. Дужка (1) золотава
стоїть (2) над чорним каптуром гори.
На (3) п’ять воріт (4) зачинена Полтава
ховає очі в тихі явори.
А форма дієслова (дієприкметник)
Б прикметник
В числівник
Г прийменник
Д сполучник
4. З’ясуйте, якими частинами мови є виділені слова у віршованих рядках (цифра позначає наступне слово)
Спадає вечір (1) сторожко, помалу,
(2) ворушить зорі в темряві криниць.
(3) Сторожа ходить по (4) міському валу,
і сови сплять в западинах бійниць.
А іменник
Б прислівник
В прикметник
Г дієслово
Д форма дієслова (дієприслівник)
5. З’ясуйте, якими частинами мови є виділені слова у віршованих рядках (цифра позначає наступне слово)
(1) Вогненна зірка в небі пролітала,
сичі кричали, вісники біди.
На (2) сто думок замислена Полтава
вербові гриви (3) хилить до (4) води.
А дієслово
Б іменник
В числівник
Г прикметник
Д форма дієслова (дієприкметник)
6. З’ясуйте, якими частинами мови є виділені слова у віршованих рядках (цифра позначає наступне слово)
І не знало (1) міщанське кодло,
коли я захлиналась (2) лихом,
що душа (3) між люди виходила
(4) забинтована білим сміхом.
А форма дієслова (дієприкметник)
Б прийменник
В прикметник
Г прислівник
Д іменник


Автор ответа: maryaonis
2. 1 Б

4 Г
3. 1 Б
2 Г
3 В
4 А
4. 1 Б
2 Г
3 А
4 В
5. 1 Г
2 В
3 А
4 Б
6. 1 В
2 Д
3 Б
4 А
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: annababic448
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы ниже
Have you ever heard the sound of a hummingbird? They make a buzzing noise when they fly. They make this noise because they beat their wings so fast. They beat their wings up to 80 times a second. All that flapping makes a lot of noise. That's why we call them hummingbirds.
Hummingbirds fly in a unique way. They move their wings so fast that they can hover. This means that they can stay in one spot in the middle of the air, like a helicopter. Sometimes they fly or hover upside down. They are the only bird that flies backward.
Hummingbirds are small. One type called the bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. Bee hummingbirds weigh less than a penny. They are just a little bit bigger than bees. I guess that's where they get their name.
Bee hummingbirds build tiny nests. They use cobwebs and bits of bark to make their homes. Their homes are only an inch around. This is big enough for their eggs though. Their eggs are smaller than peas. People have found these tiny nests on a clothespin.
Hummingbirds move fast. It takes lots of energy to move as fast as they do. This means that they need to eat a lot of food. Their favorite food is nectar, a sweet liquid inside of some flowers. They drink more than their own weight in nectar daily. They have to visit hundreds of flowers to get enough nectar to live. They can only store enough energy to survive through the night. They live on the edge.
Hummingbirds don't use their long beaks like straws. They have a tongue just like you. They use their tongues for eating. They flick their tongues in and out of their mouths while inside of flowers. They lap up nectar. Flowers give them the energy that they need.
Hummingbirds help flowers too. They get pollen on their heads and bills when they feed. Flowers use pollen to make seeds. Hummingbirds help pollen get from one flower to the next. This helps flowers make more seeds. More seeds means more flowers. More flowers means more food for hummingbirds. Isn't it nice how that works out?

1. Why are they called hummingbirds?
a. They are very light
b. They sing when they fly
c. Their wings make a humming sound
d. Their song sounds like humming

2. How do hummingbirds eat?
a. They drink nectar through their beaks like a straw.
b. They chew up flower petals with their beaks.
c. They use their heads and bills to eat pollen.
d. They lap up nectar with their tongues.

3. How do hummingbirds help flowers?
a. They drink nectar.
b. They eat pollen.
c. They bring pollen from one flower to the next.
d. They plant seeds.

4. According to the text, which does the bee hummingbird use to make nests?
a. straw
b. concrete
c. bark
d. sticks

5. Which best describes the main idea of the fifth paragraph?
a. Hummingbirds move fast.
b. Hummingbirds like to eat nectar.
c. Hummingbirds use lots of energy and eat often.
d. Hummingbirds drink their own weight in nectar every day.

6. Which statement about bee hummingbirds is not true?
a. Bee hummingbird eggs are smaller than peas.
b. Bee hummingbirds weigh less than a penny.
c. Bee hummingbirds have built nests on clothespins.
d. Bee hummingbirds do not grow larger than bees.

7. What is unique about the way that hummingbirds fly?
a. They can fly faster than any other bird.
b. They can fly longer than any other bird.
c. They can fly forward and backward.
d. They can only fly for a few seconds at a time.

8. Which best defines the word hover as used in paragraph two?
a. To stay in one spot in the air
b. To clean an area thoroughly
c. An animal that has hooves
d. To move your wings very fast

9. Why do flowers need pollen?
a. Flowers eat pollen.
b. Pollen attracts hummingbirds.
c. Hummingbirds eat pollen.
d. Flowers use pollen to make seeds.

10. Which title best describes the main idea of this text?
a. Bee Hummingbirds: The World's Smallest Bird
b. Pollination: How Birds and Flowers Work Together
c. Hummingbirds: Unique and Uniquely Helpful
d. Interesting Facts About Birds
Предмет: Математика, автор: okumisbekov