Розповідати про улюбленого вчителя на английском
Being a teacher is one of the most important jobs. It is also one of the first and most ancient professions. Our school has a lot of wonderful teachers and each of them is good in his or her own way. Thanks to them I’m interested in studying many subjects. But I’d like to tell you about my favourite teacher. His name is Alexei Vladimirovich. The subject he teaches is History. He is a very kind, intelligent and understanding person. He’s got a versatile character and good sense of humor. Each time we have a history lesson he tells us interesting stories about old times in Ukraine and some other countries of the world. I especially like listening about French history and the period of Napoleon’s reign. Alexei Vladimirovich has a special way of telling historical facts. He narrates the new paragraph and stops at times asking us to find the missing information. At first it reminds a funny game but while we listen and look for information, we learn lots of new facts. I also like ancient history. Alexei Vladimirovich has told us a lot about Ancient Greece and Rome. It is especially interesting to see the old buildings which don’t exist anymore. We have recently learnt about Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was one of the best lessons ever. I think I’m not the only pupil in the class, who likes History lessons. Almost everybody seems to enjoy them since Alexei Vladimirovich appeared in our school.