Exercise 4. Special question She went to see them yesterday. (When). — When did
she go to see them? Плюс переклад
1. He got up early yesterday. (When). 2. She met him at the seaside last. (Where).
3. They spent their summer in the South. (Where). 4. He will pack his bags
tomorrow night. (What). 5. He has sold his car. (What). 6. She is typing a letter
now. (What). 7. She usually drinks tea in the morning. (When). 8. They have been
discussing this matter for two hours. (How long). 9. It was raining yesterday, so I
took my umbrella. (Why). 10. Dinner will be served soon. (When).
1. He got up early yesterday. (When) - When did he get up early yesterday?
Він сходив рано вчора. (Коли).
2. She met him at the seaside last. (Where) - Where did she meet him last?
Вона зустріла його на узбережжі востаннє. (Де).
3. They spent their summer in the South. (Where) - Where did they spend their summer?
Вони провели своє літо на півдні. (Де).
4. He will pack his bags tomorrow night. (What) - What will he do tomorrow night?
Він буде пакувати свої сумки завтра ввечері. (Що).
5. He has sold his car. (What) - What has he done?
Він продав свою машину. (Що).
6. She is typing a letter now. (What) - What is she doing now?
Вона зараз пише листа. (Що).
7. She usually drinks tea in the morning. (When) - When does she usually drink tea?
Вона зазвичай п'є чай вранці. (Коли).
8. They have been discussing this matter for two hours. (How long) - How long have they been discussing this matter?
Вони обговорюють цю справу вже дві години. (Як довго).
9. It was raining yesterday, so I took my umbrella. (Why) - Why did I take my umbrella?
Вчора йшов дощ, тому я взяв свій парасольку. (Чому).
10. Dinner will be served soon. (When) - When will dinner be served?
Вечеря буде подана скоро. (Коли).