Предмет: История, автор: pshonkinaevelina

як життя людини в середньовіччі залежало від місця її проживання


Автор ответа: nazgrov

Відповідь: У середньовіччі життя людини сильно залежало від місця її проживання. Суспільство того часу було сильно ієрархізоване, і роль людини, її можливості та умови життя значно відрізнялися в залежності від соціального статусу і місця проживання.

1. Феодальні відносини: У селах, де преобладало феодальне суспільство, селяни були прив'язані до землі і слугували своєму феодалові. Їхнє життя було важким, залежним від урожаю, обробки землі та волі феодала.

2. Міста і ремесла: Життя у містах надавало більше можливостей. Ремісники та купці мали ширший доступ до ресурсів і торговельних маршрутів. Міста сприяли розвитку ремесел, торгівлі та культури, створюючи нові соціальні шари.

3. Церковний вплив: Релігійні чинники також грали велику роль. Ті, хто проживав ближче до монастирів чи церков, могли мати більше можливостей для освіти та допомоги в непевних часах.

4. Загрози та оборона:

Місце проживання також визначало рівень безпеки. Ті, хто мешкали біля кордонів або в зоні частого вторгнення, стикалися з більшими ризиками та потребою в обороні.

Отже, місце проживання у середньовіччі визначало доступ до ресурсів, соціальні можливості, рівень безпеки та ступінь впливу церковних структур, що визначало загальний характер і якість життя людини.

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correct answer, A, B, C or D.
The new phone
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decision? Do you rush to the shops and buy the first
thing that you see? Perhaps you get your mum to do
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There was an advert for a smartphone and since
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I started to pay attention. The phone seemed really
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Dictation, Listening and Reading
she didn't know what I was talking about. Another
thing is, the battery doesn't last for very long
I charged it last night but it's almost dead again
already. I'm sure it should last longer than that, my
old one used to last for days. It's very disappointing.
I hope they give me my money back.
I was a little bit nervous, but I decided to go for it
and I ordered one. I must say I wasn't sure about my
decision when I woke up the next day but the phone.
arrived that morning so it was too late to cancel the
order. And I was impressed with how fast it arrived
which I thought was a good sign. Unfortunately,
I was wrong. I'm not at all happy with the phone. I'm
sure it's faulty. For example, I texted a friend
yesterday and the message went to the wrong
person. That's really bad it made me feel
uncomfortable and my friend was very confused -
1 Why did the writer forget what she was
I was watching TV one rainy evening and, as usual, D The adverts were very interesting.
there were all those irritating advertisements in the
middle of the film. This particular break was so long
that I even forgot what I was watching, but perhaps
that was because I was very tired after a long week
at school. Anyway, I don't know what happened to
me. I don't usually take any notice of the adverts, in
fact I quite often turn the volume down when
they're on. But this time I was surprised.
There was a long break and she was tired.
B She wasn't enjoying the film because it was irritating.
c She was tired after school and was sleeping
during the film.
2 What made the writer pay attention when she
saw the smartphone advert?
A She heard the phone had a very good camera.
B She was already planning to get a new phone.
C The phone looked really great.
D She forgot to turn the volume down.
3 How did the writer feel when she woke up the
day after ordering the phone?
A A little bit nervous
B Very excited
C Unsure she made the right decision
D Impressed she made such a fast decision
4 What does the writer plan to do with the phone?
A Give it back to the shop
B Get the battery repaired
C Give it to their friend
D Write a negative review online
Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/81)