The **Pilgrims**, a group of English people, set sail to a newly-discovered land. Their **voyage** was challenging because of bad weather. They reached land two months later and **settled** in Plymouth. Half of the Pilgrims managed to **survive** winter. The **natives** helped them **hunt** and **grow** crops, so they had a **feast** for food. The first **celebration** was to celebrate it.
- **Pilgrims**: English settlers, particularly known for their arrival in America on the Mayflower.
- **Voyage**: A long journey, especially by sea or in space.
- **Settled**: Established themselves in a new place to live.
- **Survive**: To stay alive, endure, or persist.
- **Natives**: Indigenous or original inhabitants of a place.
- **Hunt**: To search for or pursue animals for food or sport.
- **Grow**: Cultivate or produce crops or plants.
- **Feast**: A large and special meal, usually to celebrate an occasion.
- **Celebration**: An event or activity that marks a special occasion.