Срочно надо даю 17 балов

**Conditional 1:**
1. If she **had** a holiday, she **would feel** better.
2. If it **doesn't rain**, they **will come**.
3. He **would help** us if we **paid** him.
4. He **wouldn't help** us if we **didn't pay** him.
5. If you **ask** me, I **will go out** with you.
**Conditional 2:**
1. If we **don't tell** them the truth, they **will be** angry.
2. I **wouldn't fail** the exam once again if I **had passed** it the first time.
3. If they **miss** the bus, they **will get** a taxi.
4. I **won't go** to the cinema if they **aren't** at home.
5. If it **rains**, I **will stay** at home.
**Conditional 3:**
1. If she **had phoned** me, I **would have asked** her the name of the disco.
2. If she **got** a holiday job, she **would be** happy.
3. He **would have brought** something to drink if he **had come** to the party.
4. If you **had seen** Claudio, he **would have given** you the cassette.
5. They **would play** tennis if it **had been** sunny.
**Conditionals 1, 2, and 3:**
1. If Mark repaired the boat, we **would go** fishing.
2. If she **calls** me, I will tell her the truth.
3. If he **didn't cook** dinner, we would have ordered pizza.
4. Henry **would have had** dinner with us if he had come home early.
5. You **will miss** the bus if you don't leave right now.
6. If I **were** you, I wouldn't go to the party.
7. If Robert had enough money, he **would go**.
8. He would have been very upset if she **hadn't called** him.
9. We will call them if they **aren't** at home.
10. If he asked you, **would you come** to his party?