Complete the sentences with the verbs
The plane took off at 6 pm. What time does it will be here?
I want to riding a camel in the desert.
My cousins is travelling a lot. Last week they went to Madrid and now they're in New York.
The bus was late. It didn't here until 11 pm.
I wouldn't like to swimming My parents hate planes, so they never fly.
I am wake up for school at 7.30 every morning.
Before I go to university, I want to travel and see new places.
My grandparents can't riding, so they never travel by car.
To have a means to leave on a plane.
Columbus didn't hope to open a America.
The plane took off at 6 pm. What time will it be here?
I want to ride a camel in the desert.
My cousins are traveling a lot. Last week they went to Madrid, and now they're in New York.
The bus was late. It didn't arrive until 11 pm.
I wouldn't like to swim. My parents hate planes, so they never fly.
I wake up for school at 7.30 every morning.
Before I go to university, I want to travel and see new places.
My grandparents can't ride, so they never travel by car.
Having a passport means to leave on a plane.
Columbus didn't expect to discover America.
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The plane will arrive at 6 pm.
I want to ride a camel in the desert.
My cousins are traveling a lot. Last week they went to Madrid, and now they're in New York.
The bus didn't arrive until 11 pm.
I wouldn't like to swim.
I wake up for school at 7.30 every morning.
Before I go to university, I want to travel and see new places.
My grandparents can't drive, so they never travel by car.
Having a passport means to leave on a plane.
Columbus didn't hope to discover America.