Fill in the gaps with proper words. Translate unknown ones.
*cave; *desert; *path; *shore; *cliff; *puddles; *volcano; rock; *stream;
*hill; *fence; *reservoir ['rezavwa:]; *marsh; *canal;
1. A… used to direct water. It looks like a river, but is made by man.
2. One day he heard a noise coming from a ......
3. The plane crash-landed in the …..
4. A…... is a small walkway traveled by people.
5. Only a few survivors reached the …..
6. Their house is on a…..overlooking the sea.
7. During the storm a ship had been driven onto the…..
8. A…..of cold air rushed through the open door.
9. Pompeii was destroyed when the …..
…erupted [i'rapt] in 79AD.
10. A… like a wall. It encloses pieces of land. They are made of wood, metal and ston
11. It's very dangerous to walk in a ……
because the ground there can be very s
and there are holes where you can sink up to your head.
12. Children love to splash in …..... when they are wearing rubber boots.
13. Electricity is regenerated by returning the water to a low….through a turbo-generatc.
14……. - a part of the sea that is partly enclosed by a curve in the land.
15…...- a large area of rock or a mountain with a very steep side, often at
edge [ed3] of the sea or a river.
A canal is used to direct water. It looks like a river but is made by man. (Канал використовується для направлення води. Виглядає як річка, але створений людиною.)
One day he heard a noise coming from a cave. (Одного дня він почув шум, що йшов із печери.)
The plane crash-landed in the desert. (Літак аварійно приземлився в пустелі.)
A path is a small walkway traveled by people. (Стежка - це невеликий прохід, яким користуються люди.)
Only a few survivors reached the shore. (Лише кілька виживших досягли берега.)
Their house is on a cliff overlooking the sea. (Їхній будинок знаходиться на скелі з видом на море.)
During the storm, a ship had been driven onto the rocks. (Під час шторму корабель потрапив на скелі.)
A gust of cold air rushed through the open door. (Порив холодного повітря пронісся крізь відчинені двері.)
Pompeii was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79 AD. (Помпеї були зруйновані, коли вивергнувся вулкан в 79 р.н.е.)
A fence is like a wall. It encloses pieces of land. They are made of wood, metal, and stone. (Паркан схожий на стіну. Він оточує ділянки землі. Виготовляються з дерева, металу та каменю.)
It's very dangerous to walk in a marsh because the ground there can be very soft, and there are holes where you can sink up to your head. (Дуже небезпечно ходити в болоті через м'яку ґрунт та ями, де можна потрапити втрьох.)
Children love to splash in puddles when they are wearing rubber boots. (Діти люблять бризкатися в лахматах, коли вони одягнуті у гумові чоботи.)
Electricity is regenerated by returning the water to a low reservoir through a turbo-generator. (Електроенергія відновлюється поверненням води до нижнього резервуару через турбогенератор.)
Bay - a part of the sea that is partly enclosed by a curve in the land. (Затока - частина моря, яка частково закрита кривизною на землі.)
Cliff - a large area of rock or a mountain with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or a river. (Скеля - велика область скелі чи гори з дуже крутим схилом, часто на краю моря або річки.)