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The role of the knight changed over time from a soldier to a powerful soldier and nobleman.Knights were men who lived between the ninth and sixteenth centuries in Europe. Knights fought for the king for forty days each year in exchange for land and a position in the king's court.Only certain individuals, such as firstborn nobles or those who displayed bravery in battle, had the right to become a knight.
It took about fourteen years of training to become a knight, starting as a page and progressing to a squire.
Not all squires would become knights; they had to pass tests and prove they had enough income. Knights were expected to follow a code of chivalry, which included traits such as courage, honesty, loyalty, and the protection of the weak. Knights also adhered to the rules of courtly love, which prohibited them from openly expressing their love for a woman.With the advent of gunpowder and firearms, wearing armor became obsolete for knights.
Today, knighthood is a ceremonial honor bestowed by the Queen of England to those who have made significant contributions to society.