Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ira11012007

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13. To.........a fortune you have to........a lot of hard work.
14. You must..........a decision now.
15.1 always tried.......... my best, but she was never satisfied. 16. He........ some research into ancient religions at the moment. 17. If you don't......... an effort, you won't....any progress. 18.1 enjoy.....the crossword in The Times. 19. It is not a good idea to......... an enemy of Tom. 20. We had better start......... preparations for the christening. 21. Brian...... a great deal of damage already. 22. It's your turn, Sally, to..........the washing up today. 23. Lilly.... her exercises every morning before work. 24. Betty doesn't appreciate....a fool of. 25.1...... friends with some interesting people from Bulgaria. 26. Students find it difficult to ............ ends meet without any help. 27. Granny has promised to ............. a cake for the party. 28. A manager phoned earlier to .......... an appointment. 29. She wanted to know what I............for a living. 30. Our neighbours are always.............noise. 31. Couldn't you at least.......... an effort? 32. It appears that our family............a fortune when we were living in America. 33.1 like the way you've................your hair. 34. A long night's sleep will............you a lot of good. 35.1 liked Andrew and we............. friends very soon after we met. 36. It took us a whole week to............. the main sights of London. 37. Teaching is not the easiest way to................money. 38. Could you....me a great favour and .............the shopping today? 39. Don't forget to...........make your bed before you leave. 40. Do you find it easy to......... decisions?​


Автор ответа: eazywork


To make a fortune you have to do a lot of hard work.

You must make a decision now.

I always tried to do my best, but she was never satisfied.

He is doing some research into ancient religions at the moment.

If you don't make an effort, you won't make any progress.

I enjoy doing the crossword in The Times.

It is not a good idea to make an enemy of Tom.

We had better start making preparations for the christening.

Brian has done a great deal of damage already.

It's your turn, Sally, to do the washing up today.

Lilly does her exercises every morning before work.

Betty doesn't appreciate being made a fool of.

I made friends with some interesting people from Bulgaria.

Students find it difficult to make ends meet without any help.

Granny has promised to make a cake for the party.

A manager phoned earlier to make an appointment.

She wanted to know what I do for a living.

Our neighbors are always making noise.

Couldn't you at least make an effort?

It appears that our family made a fortune when we were living in America.

I like the way you've done your hair.

A long night's sleep will do you a lot of good.

I liked Andrew and we became friends very soon after we met.

It took us a whole week to see the main sights of London.

Teaching is not the easiest way to make money.

Could you do me a great favor and do the shopping today?

Don't forget to make your bed before you leave.

Do you find it easy to make decisions?

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