The For-Complex 1. Use for-phrases instead of the subordinate clauses and state their function. ✓1. It is quite natural that he should act like that, 2. It's impossible that he should have so let us down. 3. The main thing is that we all of us should work in close cooperation. 4. Let us wait till a definite answer arrives. 5. Why 'be so anxious that he should go? 6. This is a lesson which you shall remember for the rest of your life. 7. He is just the man whom you should have consulted. 8. I shall leave the magazine that you may read it. 9. He closed the window lest the papers be scattered by the wind. 10. The ice has become too thin, so the boys can't go skating. 11. The young actor must be very talented since the producer has given him a leading part to play. 12. That a man of his age should be so active and full of vitality is something extraordinary.
2. Construct for-phrases using the words in brackets in the appropriate form. 1. The simplest thing is for (he, to come and see) everything for himself. 2. The runners listened for (the signal to give).` 3. Don't you find it odd for (she, to keep) it secret so long? 4. He asked for (a catalogue, to send) him. 5. The captain gåve orders for (the flag to hoist). 6. The people gave way for (we, to pass).p 7. I always thought my friend an excellent example for (every- body, to follow). 8. It is rather strange for (they, to leave) without letting us know. 9. That is for (I, to judge), isn't it?
1. It is quite natural **for him to act** like that.
- Function: Subject of the sentence.
2. It's impossible **for him to have let us down.**
- Function: Subject complement.
3. The main thing is **for all of us to work** in close cooperation.
- Function: Object of the preposition.
4. Let us wait **for a definite answer to arrive.**
- Function: Object of the verb.
5. Why **be so anxious for him to go?**
- Function: Object of the preposition.
6. This is a lesson **for you to remember** for the rest of your life.
- Function: Object of the preposition.
7. He is just the man **for you to have consulted.**
- Function: Object of the preposition.
8. I shall leave the magazine **for you to read it.**
- Function: Object of the verb.
9. He closed the window **lest the papers should be scattered** by the wind.
- Function: Expressing purpose.
10. The ice has become too thin, **so the boys can't go skating.**
- Function: Expressing result.
11. The young actor must be very talented, **since the producer has given him a leading part to play.**
- Function: Expressing cause.
12. That a man of his age should be so active and full of vitality **is something extraordinary.**
- Function: Subject of the sentence.
**Construct for-phrases using the words in brackets in the appropriate form:**
1. The simplest thing is **for him to come and see** everything for himself.
2. The runners listened **for the signal to give.**
3. Don't you find it odd **for her to keep** it secret so long?
4. He asked **for a catalogue to be sent** to him.
5. The captain gave orders **for the flag to be hoisted.**
6. The people gave way **for us to pass.**
7. I always thought my friend an excellent example **for everybody to follow.**
8. It is rather strange **for them to leave** without letting us know.
9. That is **for me to judge**, isn't it?