Transform the following sentences into Passive
You can book this accommodation at a reasonable price.
I could hear some strange noise.
They cancelled the meeting.
I have just received a message from her.
The results of the tournament will show the winner.
I will inform them about the new schedule
This accommodation can be booked at a reasonable price.
Some strange noise could be heard.
The meeting was cancelled.
A message from her has just been received by me.
The winner will be shown by the results of the tournament.
They will be informed about the new schedule by me.
Буду дуже вдячна, якщо згодом поставиш статус "краща відповідь"! А до тебе повернеться половина витрачених балів =)
1) This accommodation can be booked at a reasonable price.
2) Some strange noise could be heard.
3) The meeting was cancelled by them.
4) A message from her has just been received by me.
5) The winner will be shown by the results of the tournament.
6) They will be informed about the new schedule by me.
Перевод предложения из активной формы в пассивную форму включает изменение порядка слов и использование соответствующих форм глаголов. Вот несколько шагов, которые обычно следуют при таком переводе:
1. **Определите основной глагол и подлежащее в активной форме.**
- Пример: "She wrote a book."
2. **Измените порядок слов.**
- Пример: "A book was written by her."
3. **Используйте соответствующую форму глагола "to be" в сочетании с прошедшей частью основного глагола.**
- Пример: "A book was written by her."
Вот еще примеры:
- **Active:** They are building a new bridge.
**Passive:** A new bridge is being built by them.
- **Active:** Someone stole my bicycle.
**Passive:** My bicycle was stolen by someone.
- **Active:** The chef is cooking a delicious meal.
**Passive:** A delicious meal is being cooked by the chef.
Эти шаги могут помочь вам перевести предложение из активной формы в пассивную.