Предмет: История, автор: olshanskyisasha5724

випишіть політику, яку здійснювали Ярославичі.


Автор ответа: marin456


Ярославичі були родом з рюриковичів, який брав участь у правлінні Київської Русі в середньовіччі. Політика Ярославичів варіювалася залежно від окремих лідерів та історичних обставин, але деякі загальні риси можна визначити:

1. Зміцнення централізованого правління: Ярославичі працювали над збільшенням свого впливу та централізації влади в Київській Русі, намагаючись об'єднати різні території під їхнім владним управлінням.

2. Міжнародні стосунки: Ярославичі дбали про дипломатичні стосунки з іншими державами та обмін товарами та ідеями, зокрема з Візантією та іншими слов'янськими державами.

3. Розвиток культури та освіти: Також вони підтримували церковні та культурні ініціативи, сприяючи розвитку освіти та культури. Наприклад, князь Ярослав Мудрий сприяв створенню Софійського собору в Києві та багатьом іншим культурним та освітнім проектам.

Звісно, політика Ярославичів була багатогранною та різноманітною, оскільки вони були вовлечені в різні війни, дипломатичні переговори та культурні та освітні ініціативи протягом багатьох століть.


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Read the article. Are the sentences true or false?

by John Marshall

I always dreamt of playing ice hockey or gymnastics
or another really difficult sport – where the crowd is
shouting your name to get you to win! But I’ve always
been a bit hopeless at sport and I’m not in any of
the school teams. So that’s not going to happen any
time soon!
So it was great to get the opportunity to join in with
something when my school suggested a windsurfing
trip for our year. I was a bit worried, though, that I had
no equipment suitable for windsurfing, so Dad took me
to get a few things, including trainers that wouldn’t slip
in the wet. By the time we got back from the shops, I
was feeling really positive about the whole thing!
The day finally came and off we went on the school
minibus to a lake just 15 minutes away from the town
where we go to school. It was a sunny day, but quite
windy too, so it was perfect for windsurfing – or at least
that’s what our teacher said! We met our instructor and
he was really friendly. We all rushed off the minibus and
into the training room, where we got some instruction
before we set off. We got our lifejackets, too – some

people thought they didn’t need them because they
were really good swimmers, but I think secretly we all
knew how important they were.
Then out we went to the lake! We each had our own
small windsurfer at one end of the lake. I was really
worried at first about crashing into another windsurfer –
but then I quickly got the hang of it and it was fantastic!
I could feel the wind in my face. I was going really fast ...
and then suddenly – Splash!!
I still don’t know how I managed to fall off the
windsurfer, but I ended up in the water – and it was
freezing! The instructor got to me really quickly and
pulled me out. Everyone was laughing, including
me – and it wasn’t long before some of the others fell
into the water, too! Nobody minded – we were all just
having fun.
The day was over really quickly and we were soon back
on the minibus. But I knew it definitely wouldn’t be the
last time that I went out on a windsurfer!
1 John thinks there’s a chance that one day he will be in a school sports team.
2 John was more excited about his windsurfing trip after he’d got suitable equipment.
3 John’s teacher was pleased with the weather conditions on the day of the trip.
4 Soon after John set off across the water, he hit another windsurfer.
5 John was upset that people laughed at him when he fell into the water.
6 John decided by the end of the trip that he wanted to go windsurfing again.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: pamagite1746