Use FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to write one compound sentence using
the two simple sentences.
1. Peter droye to visit his friend. They went out for dinner.
2. Mary thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new out for
3. Alan invested a lot of money in the business. The business went bankrupt.
4. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for help.
5. The students didn't prepare for the test. They didn't realize how important the test
6. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax. She also thinks she should go on
7. The doctors looked at the X-rays. They decided to operate on the patient.
8. We went out on the town. We came home late.
10. It is raining. It is very cold.
9. Jack flew to London to visit his uncle. He also wanted to visit the National Museum.
11. Henry studied very hard for the test. He passed with high marks.
13. We needed some food for the week. We went to the supermarket.
12. I would like to play tennis today. If I don't play tennis, I would like to play golf.
14. Tom asked his teacher for help. He also asked his parents for help.
15. Janet doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like any kind of fish.
1. Peter drove to visit his friend, and they went out for dinner
2. Merry things you could go to school, for she wants to get qualifications for a new profession
3 .Alan invested a lot of money in the business, but the business went bankrupt
4. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment, so he asked teacher for help
5. The students didn't prepare for the test, they realized how important the test was.
6. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax or go on to take a vacation.
7. the doctors looked at the x-rays, and they decided to operate on the patient
8. we went out on the town, and we came home late
9. Jack flew to London to visit his uncle, and he also planned to visit national museum
10. it's raining, yet it's very cold
11. Henry studied very hard for the test, so he passed with the flying colors.
12. it is a compound sentence but without fanboys
13. we needed some food for the week, so we went to the supermarket
14. Tom Estes teacher for help, yet he also asked parents for help
15. Janet doesn't like sushi, nor she likes any kind of fish