O WRITING GUIDE A TASK Look at the photo below and write an article about polar bears. B THINK AND PLAN Read the notes below about polar bears and match a-e in exercise 3 with paragraph titles 1-3. Paragraph 1: Introduction: e Paragraph 2: Life and habitat: Paragraph 3: Problems: C WRITE Write your article and follow your paragraph plan. Use the model text and the key phrases. D CHECK ● • the use of because Notes: The polar bear a females: two babies/ cubs / every four or five years b red list: climate change →ice / melt; pollution; hunting → fur c habitat: the Arctic / on ice d food: seals and fish e this photo: polar bears / on ice; hunt / seals f photo: a female with two cubs g behaviour: aggressive; hunt seals; can swim

**Title: Polar Bears: Adapting to Arctic Challenges**
*Paragraph 1: Introduction*
Polar bears, Arctic icons, face a critical battle for survival amidst changing climates. Exploring their life, habitat, and imminent problems sheds light on their struggle.
*Paragraph 2: Life and Habitat*
These bears thrive in the Arctic's unforgiving conditions, relying on sea ice to hunt seals and fish. Their white fur, both camouflage and insulation, aids survival. Female bears, with strategic reproductive cycles, give birth to two cubs every four or five years, showcasing adaptability.
*Paragraph 3: Problems*
Climate change brings melting ice, limiting hunting and disrupting the delicate balance. Pollution, fur hunting, and dwindling seal populations compound threats. Aggressive behaviors emerge as bears venture further for sustenance, often clashing with human settlements.
In conclusion, the photo encapsulates polar bears' struggle on receding ice, urging immediate action to preserve these majestic creatures and the Arctic ecosystem.