Предмет: История, автор: baevviktor2011

найвищий щабель феодальної суспільної драбини за середньовіччя займав... Ф герцог Б граф В король Г лицар


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Помогите дам 100 баллов. Listen to the text and answer the questions 1. When does the Greenham Family Festival take place? In.... A) spring B) summer C) autumn D) winter 2. Who are the first performers to appear on the stage? A) The drummers C) The jazzmen классы 3. Where are these performers from? A) California C) Nigeria A) The Bundy Boys C) Shady Sisters 4. Who is the local performer? B) The Jarrow Jazz Band D) Amy Brownlow 5. Which musical instrument does Amy Brownlow play? The.... A) drum B) guitar C) piano D) violin 6. When does the Jarrow Jazz Band appear on the stage? A) At 5 p.m. C) After the break B) The singers D) The guitarists A) Fireworks C) Gala concert B) They are local citizens D) London 7. Whose latest CD can the people buy? A) The drummers' B) The singer's C) The sisters' D) The jazzmen's 8. What can you not buy at the stalls around the park? A) Food B) Drinks C) Toys D) Clothes 9. How much does the portrait cost? A) Two pounds C) One pound 30. She ... her A) didn't raise C) didn't rose B) At 5 a.m. D) Later in the evening 10. What will be at the end of the festival? B) Disco D) Meeting B) A pound and a half D) It's free 7-8 классы 28. Can you make your son... more agreeable? A) to be C) be 29. Before he morning. A) got used C) used A) Privacy C) Secret Level IV B) being D) was became ill, he... play tennis every A) Shadow C) Image B) was used D) used to Guess the riddles 31. Where does Friday come before Thursday? A) in the timetable B) In the school diary C) in the calendar D) In the dictionary head and didn't look up at me. B) didn't rise D) rose 32. What often falls and never gets hurt? A) Mood B) A skater C) A clumsy man D) Snow 33. Everyone in the world break me when they speak every time. B) Rumours D) Silence 34. What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night? A) Blanket C) Sleepy head B) Coach potato D) Pillow 35. I exist when there is light, but direct light kills me. What am I? B) Day D) Imagination 36. What comes down but never goes up? A) Mood C) Clouds B) Intuition DJ Rain Read the text and fill in the most suitable word Once, a beautiful maple tree grew in the centre of a large park. All summer it was... (11) with green leaves. Many people sat on the green grass under it and enjoyed its cool... (12). But along with the fall came a... (13) in the maple tree. Its green leaves began to... (14) red and yellow. So everyone said, "How beautiful... (15)!" The maple tree was glad to hear it and she became ... (16) and vain. She spread out her branches so far that a little pine close by was almost hidden from... (17). "It doesn't matter," said the maple, "No one cares to look at him, he is... (18) plain little tree." The pine heard the unkind words and sighed. Just then a cold wind passed and said, "Why do you sigh, little pine?" The pine replied, I sigh because the maple is so... (19) beautiful than I am." The wind felt sorry for him and whispered, "Only wait!" In a few days the leaves of the maple tree turned brown and fell to the ground. When the snow came, there was but one bright cheerful spot in the whole park, the brave pine with the needles... (20) they were when they first came out. 11. A) spread C) planked 12. A) shade C) purity 13. A) change C) disaster 14. A) revoke C) turn 15. A) the tree C) the tree is B) covered D) drowned B) roots D) shadow A) A letter C) A post box B) desease D) destruction B) have D) acquire 7-8 классы 37. How many months have 28 days? A) O B) 1 C) 10 D) 12 A) Buckingham C) St James's B) is the tree D) the tree was 38. What has a bark but no bite? A) A tree B) A dog C) A cat D) A flower Level IV 39. What can you catch but not throw? A) A ball C) Cold 40. What goes around the world without leaving its corner? A) Mary C) Elizabeth I B) A balloon D) Warm Do you know London? 41. The British Parliament occupies the... Palace. B) An envelope D) A stamp B) Westminster D) Kensington 42. The Museum of London is situated in this part of the city. A) West End C) East End B) The City D) Westminster 43. One of the largest Maritime Museums in the world is situated in this part of the city. A) Barbican Centre C) Westminster B) Greenwich D) West End 44. The... on the residence of the monarch means that the sovereign is in. A) Union Jack C) Flag of England B) Royal Standard D) Flag of Wales 45. This British queen who lived in London was often called "The Grandmother of Europe." B) Victoria D) Elizabeth II​