Предмет: История, автор: Morkolka1

Время активной деятельности каких из перечисленных зарубежных правителей относится к тому же веку, что и создание источника, фрагмент которого приведён?

Когда Борис, выступив в поход и не встретив врага, возвращался обратно, прибыл к нему вестник и поведал ему о смерти отца. Рассказал он, как преставился отец его Василий (этим именем назван был Владимир в святом крещении) и как Святополк, утаив смерть отца своего, ночью разобрал помост в Берестове и, завернув тело в ковёр, спустил его на верёвках на землю, отвёз на санях поставил в церкви святой Богородицы. И как услышал это святой Борис, стал телом слабеть и всё лицо его намокло от слёз, обливаясь слезами, не в силах был говорить.
1) Казимир I
2)Болеслав Храбрый
3)Карл Великий
4)Чингисхан Оттон I
5)Харальд Суровый​


Автор ответа: frazzyekes


Отже, правильний варіант - Карл Великий (3).


Фрагмент тексту згадує про події, пов'язані зі святим Борисом і Глібом, які були київськими князями і були вбиті в 1015 році. Таким чином, нам потрібно знайти зарубіжного правителя, активність якого відбувалася у тому ж столітті (XI століття).

З перелічених правителів тільки Карл Великий (Карл I) здійснював свою активну діяльність у IX столітті.

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lizabobrovska60
6 клас I семестр
Reading Miss Evans On a beautiful afternoon in a year now long gone, a big ship set out on its first voyage from England to America. It was a new ship called the Titanic. For two days the Titanic went on its way over the sea. Then it entered an ice field and a big iceberg hit it. Everyone came out of their rooms. Men were putting the lifeboats over the sides of the ship down into the water. Then all the men helped the women and children get into the lifeboats. There wasn't very much time left. The iceberg was on one side of the ship. It was like a high white wall. on A woman came to the side of the ship. Her two children were in one of the lifeboats and she was very much afraid. "My children the life boat. I must go with them," the woman called to the people in the lifeboat. "There's no more room," someone called out. "If we take one more the lifeboat will sink." There was a young woman in the lifeboat called Miss Evans. When she heard the woman calling, she stood up on the lifeboat and touched one of the men on the arm. "Let me get back on the ship," she said. "Let that woman take my place. I have no children." "The ship is sinking," said the man. "You know that?" "Yes," said Miss Evans. "I know that." There was no time to talk. People helped Miss Evans get back onto the ship. Very soon after that there was a great noise and the Titanic went down under the water. 1. Read the text. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Change the false statements to make them true.
1. A big ship set out on its first voyage from America to England.
2. It was an old ship.
3. When the Titanic entered the ice field, a big iceberg hit it.
4. The women helped the men and children get into the lifeboats.
5. The woman wanted to get into one of the boats, because her children were there. 6. She had three children.
7. There was no room in the boat for this woman.
8. Miss Evans let this woman take her place in the boat.
9. Miss Evans had two children.
10. Miss Evans got back to the ship.
11. Soon the Titanic went down under the water​
Предмет: История, автор: 2officeoffice1