Task 1 (20 points).
Как выполнять задания с выбором вариантов ответа
Read the sentences and choose the appropriate adjective.
If someone hits your car, you feel curious/angry.
You passed all the exams and now you have some free time. You feel cheerful/ill.
If you have the highest mark for a test, you are proud/sad.
Your sister has a new mobile that is better than yours. You are jealous/nervous.
You don’t feel well today. You are thirsty/ill.
A big angry dog is barking and running to you. You feel bored/scared.
You are on holiday in another town. You lost your way to the hotel and now you are confused/hopeful.
You wanted to watch a new film. You come to the cinema and the film is very boring. You are disappointed/happy.
You found an interesting book. You are curious/bored.
Your friend doesn’t answer your calls. You are anxious/cheerful.
Task 2 (10 points).
Как выполнять творческие задания
Complete the sentences with emotions so that the sentences are true for you.
When I get a present, I feel _____________.
When I win a competition, I feel _____________.
After an argument with my friend I usually feel _____________.
When I don’t eat for the whole day, I am _____________.
When I see a big spider, I am _____________.
Task 3 (10 points).
Как выполнять задания на заполнение пропусков (грамматика)
Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with was / were / wasn’t / weren’t.
________________ you and Carlos watching the concert yesterday at 5 o’clock? — No, we ________________.
They ________________ listening to an amazing song at 10 a.m.
I ________________ cooking salad and soup.
Where ________________ you going at 3 o’clock yesterday?
My sister ________________ walking to school yesterday morning.
________________ it raining yesterday? — Yes, it ________________.
We _____________ talking about the party.
The teacher __________ explaining us the rule.
Task 4 (12 points).
Как выполнять задания на раскрытие скобок (грамматика)
What was Mindy’s family doing at seven o’clock yesterday evening? Complete the sentences using Past Continuous.
Her father ________________ (wash) the dishes.
Mindy ________________ (do) her homework.
Her little brothers ________________ (play) with their toys.
Her mum ________________ (read) a newspaper.
Her elder sister ________________ (talk) on the phone.
Cosmo, her cat ________________ (sleep).
Task 5 (18 points).
Типы предложений
Look at the table and make positive or negative sentences in Past Continuous. Complete the table about yourself.
At eight o’clock yesterday evening…
Mary and Kate
do homework
have dinner
lie on the bed
Mary and Kate / do homework.
Dave / have dinner.
Mary and Kate / lie on the bed.
Dave / do homework.
I / lie on the bed.
I / do homework.
Task 6 (30 points).
Как выполнять Speaking tasks — устные задания по английскому языку
How did you spend your last weekend? Give a talk using the questions below. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous. Record your answer (audio or video). Speak at least for 1 minute. Support your answer with examples. Make full sentences. Provide the transcript to support your answer.
Чтобы получить максимальный балл за задание, предоставьте письменный или печатный текст своего устного ответа (transcript). Устное задание без текста ответа будет оценено в половину баллов от максимально возможного (при условии отсутствия ошибок). За письменный текст (transcript) без устного ответа баллы зачтены не будут, так как в первую очередь в данном задании оценивается навык говорения (Speaking).
Where did you spend the weekend?
How did you spend the weekend?
Who did you spend the weekend with?
What were you doing on Saturday morning and evening?
What were you doing on Sunday afternoon?
### Task 1:
1) **False** - If someone hits your car, you feel angry.
2) **False** - You passed all the exams and now you have some free time. You feel cheerful.
3) **True** - If you have the highest mark for a test, you are proud.
4) **True** - Your sister has a new mobile that is better than yours. You are jealous.
5) **False** - You don’t feel well today. You are ill.
6) **False** - A big angry dog is barking and running to you. You feel scared.
7) **False** - You are on holiday in another town. You lost your way to the hotel and now you are confused.
8) **True** - You wanted to watch a new film. You come to the cinema and the film is very boring. You are disappointed.
9) **True** - You found an interesting book. You are curious.
10) **False** - Your friend doesn’t answer your calls. You are anxious.
### Task 2:
1. When I get a present, I feel **happy**.
2. When I win a competition, I feel **excited**.
3. After an argument with my friend, I usually feel **upset**.
4. When I don’t eat for the whole day, I am **hungry**.
5. When I see a big spider, I am **scared**.
### Task 3:
1. **Were** you and Carlos watching the concert yesterday at 5 o’clock? — No, we **weren’t**.
2. They **were** listening to an amazing song at 10 a.m.
3. I **was** cooking salad and soup.
4. Where **were** you going at 3 o’clock yesterday?
5. My sister **was** walking to school yesterday morning.
6. **Was** it raining yesterday? — Yes, it **was**.
7. We **were** talking about the party.
8. The teacher **was** explaining us the rule.
### Task 4:
1. Her father **was washing** the dishes.
2. Mindy **was doing** her homework.
3. Her little brothers **were playing** with their toys.
4. Her mum **was reading** a newspaper.
5. Her elder sister **was talking** on the phone.
6. Cosmo, her cat **was sleeping**.
### Task 5:
1. Mary and Kate / do homework. - **No**
2. Dave / have dinner. - **No**
3. Mary and Kate / lie on the bed. - **Yes**
4. Dave / do homework. - **No**
5. I / lie on the bed. - **Yes**
6. I / do homework. - **No**
### Task 6:
*(Please provide your own spoken response for this task.)*