Предмет: Английский язык, автор: mobidicker

Пожалуйста, переведите английские предложение 6 класс:
1.A beautiful actress performed an amazing dance at the concert.
2.After the show, everyone agreed that the actor's performance was fantastic.
3.I always enjoy a good movie with a bowl of popcorn
4.The teacher asked the students to write a paragraph about their favorite hobby.
5.Can you add some sugar to my tea, please?
6.The cat climbed onto the roof and sat there for hours.
7.I bought a new jacket at the mall yesterday.
8.She has a fear of flying, so she has never travelled by plane.
9.The book on the shelf caught my attention, so I decided to read it.
10.I need your advice on choosing a birthday present for my sister.
11.After the rain, a rainbow appeared in the sky above the city.
12.We had dinner at a nice restaurant by the beach.
13.He is an adult, but he still enjoys playing video games.
14.The baby laughed for the first time, and it was an unforgettable moment.
15.I'll see you at the cafe around 3 o'clock.
16.The hotel is located near the airport, making it convenient for travelers.
17.She always wears a red dress on special occasions.
18.In the evening, I like to relax with a good book and a cup of tea.
19.The painting in the art gallery was so beautiful that it left me speechless.


Автор ответа: J2S

1. A beautiful actress performed an amazing dance at the concert. -

Красивая актриса исполнила изумительные танец на концерте.

2.After the show, everyone agreed that the actor's performance was fantastic. - После показа все согласились что актёрское выступление было фантастическим.

3.I always enjoy a good movie with a bowl of popcorn - Я всегда наслаждаюсь хорошим фильмом с миской попкорна

4.The teacher asked the students to write a paragraph about their favorite hobby. - Преподаватель попросил студентов написать параграф об их любимом увлечении.

5.Can you add some sugar to my tea, please? - Можете добавить немного сахара в чай, пожалуйста?

6.The cat climbed onto the roof and sat there for hours. - Кот забрался на крышу и просидел там несколько часов.

7.I bought a new jacket at the mall yesterday. - Я купил новую куртку в торговом центре вчера.

8.She has a fear of flying, so she has never travelled by plane. -  Она боится летать, поэтому никогда не путешествовала на самолете.

9.The book on the shelf caught my attention, so I decided to read it. -

Книга на полке привлекла мое внимание, и я решил ее прочитать.

10.I need your advice on choosing a birthday present for my sister. - Мне нужен ваш совет по выбору подарка на день рождения моей сестры

11.After the rain, a rainbow appeared in the sky above the city. -  После дождя над городом появилась радуга.

12.We had dinner at a nice restaurant by the beach. - Мы поужинали в хорошем ресторане на берегу моря

13.He is an adult, but he still enjoys playing video games. -  Он уже взрослый, но до сих пор с удовольствием играет в видеоигры.

14.The baby laughed for the first time, and it was an unforgettable moment. - Ребенок впервые засмеялся, и это был незабываемый момент.

15. I'll see you at the cafe around 3 o'clock. - Увидимся в кафе около 3 часов.

16.The hotel is located near the airport, making it convenient for travelers. - Отель расположен вблизи аэропорта, что делает его удобным для путешественников.

17.She always wears a red dress on special occasions. - Она всегда надевает красное платье по особым случаям.

18.In the evening, I like to relax with a good book and a cup of tea. -

Вечером я люблю расслабиться с хорошей книгой и чашкой чая.

19.The painting in the art gallery was so beautiful that it left me speechless. -  Рисунок в художественной галерее была настолько прекрасна, что я потерял дар речи.

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