Write down a brief
essay taking the lesson essay (ex. 2, p.64–65) as an example.
Don’t forget about the structure of an essay. use your
answers to ex. 6, p. 67. add your own ideas:It has… / It
can make me
feel… / It proposes me a lot
of… / It always gives me… / It’s a possibility of taking
part in... – Напишіть короткий твір, взявши за приклад есе уроку (впр. 2, с. 64–65).
Не забувайте про структуру есе. використовуйте свої відповіді на впр. 6,
стор. 67. додайте власні ідеї:
Це має… / Це може змусити мене почуватися… / Це дає
мені багато… / Це завжди дає я… / Це
можливість взяти участь у…
буду очень благодарен
It has...
Participating in this lesson has provided me with a deep understanding of the subject matter. The comprehensive content presented has expanded my knowledge base, offering insights that extend beyond the confines of a textbook.
It can make me feel...
The lesson has the potential to evoke a sense of curiosity and intellectual stimulation. Exploring new concepts and grappling with challenging ideas can be invigorating, sparking a genuine interest in the subject matter.
It proposes me a lot of...
The lesson not only imparts information but also proposes various avenues for exploration. It encourages independent thinking, prompting me to delve into additional resources and consider diverse perspectives, thereby enriching my learning experience.
It always gives me...
The consistent nature of the lesson's content delivery instills a sense of reliability. Knowing that each session will provide valuable insights or skills creates a positive learning environment, fostering a habit of continuous learning.
It's a possibility of taking part in...
Beyond theoretical knowledge, the lesson opens up opportunities for practical application. Whether through discussions, projects, or real-world scenarios, it offers a chance to actively participate in the learning process, reinforcing understanding and skill development.
In conclusion, this lesson transcends the conventional boundaries of education. It not only imparts knowledge but cultivates a holistic learning experience. By incorporating my own ideas and perspectives into the structured framework of the lesson, I have found it to be a powerful catalyst for personal and intellectual growth. Embracing the opportunities presented in each session has not only expanded my understanding of the subject matter but has also instilled a lifelong appreciation for the transformative power of learning.