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Dear (name).
Today i haved a dream,it was like fast 1 hour! But of course, I slept for 8 hours, but the sleep was so fast, as if it was all in reality.
My dream was my wonderful childhood, where my parents and I walked through the park and ate ice cream. I felt revitalized and really happy! In a dream, while walking in the park, we saw a little kitten. And I asked my parents to take them... of course, in the dream, the parents agreed and we took the kitten with us. Within a few minutes, we were close to the house... it was very fast! And then my sleep ends and I hear the alarm clock ringing. The alarm clock was the only thing I didn't want to hear in the morning. But the feeling after a wonderful sleep, everything remains wonderful! I was glad to see my young parents and feel like a little 5-year-old child again.
Perhaps this dream means that you should not forget about your wonderful childhood, where you were very happy!
Best wishes from (your name).
Коротко- тут говорится о том,что тебе снился сон о том,как ты с родителями гуляо по парку и встретив котенка решили забрать с собой, сон оборвался из-за будильника. Описание чувства после сна.
вместо (name) пишите имя человека,которому ты писал это письмо,а в конце (your name) пишешь свое имя. Надеюсь все понятно,и прошу прощения за ошибки если они тут есть.