y. Then answer the question with a complete sentence. uch, not...л? He doesn't drink any orange juice. 2 How much / many burgers does he eat? S 3 How much / many chips does he eat? Valerie the Vegetarian 4 How much / many meat does she eat? 5 How much / many vegetables does she eat? 6 How much / many Diet Coke does she drink? Baby Belinda 7 How much /-many milk does she drink? She drinks a lot of milk. 8 How much / many bread does she eat? She doesn't eat many 9 How much / many apples does she eat? Fabio the Italian Food Fan 10 How much / many tice does he eat? 11 How much / many pasta does he eat? 12 How much / many cups of espresso does he

2. How many burgers does he eat?
3. How many chips does he eat?
Valerie the Vegetarian:
4. How much meat does she eat?
5. How many vegetables does she eat?
6. How much Diet Coke does she drink?
Baby Belinda:
7. How much milk does she drink? She drinks a lot of milk.
8. How much bread does she eat? She doesn't eat many
9. How many apples does she eat?
Fabio the Italian Food Fan:
10. How much rice does he eat?
11. How much pasta does he eat?
12. How many cups of espresso does he drink?
Объяснение: к неисчесляемым существительным в английском языке является все, что сыпется, льётся и требует дополнительного слова, т.е. мы не можем сказать: "Дайте мне одну капусту", мы должны сказать: "Дайте мне один кочан капусты". А к исчисляемым относится все существительные, которые можно посчитать.