Active на Passive !!!
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Whose camera was stolen by him?
By whom were these birds killed?
What is taught by Mr. Bhushan?
The rooms had already been cleaned by somebody.
The money order shall have been received by me.
Has the speech been learned by her?
All the questions will not be explained by the teacher.
The victory will be celebrated by the army.
When was the information sent by you?
A guest is expected by us today.By whom has this pen been lent to you?
The lecture was listened to attentively by us.
The case was being looked into by him.
Your proposal cannot be agreed to by me.
Were they refused admission by you?
You are being deceived by him.
The food is not being cooked by her.
Are kites being flown by children?
Was some news being expected by him?
Will a car be purchased by you?
This letter will not be posted by me.
A flying bird will be shot by you.
Novels are not read by her.
Is she helped by you?
We were alarmed by the news.
Let this work be done by us.
Flowers should not be plucked.
The beggar was laughed at by him.
What are you doing?
Whom does your mother like most?
How have you been deceived by him?
Why were you insulted by him?
Was a newspaper being read by me?
Have the sums been solved by you?
Is an aeroplane seen by you?
The truth will have been spoken by Navita.
The thieves will have been arrested by the police.
The first prize has been won by me.
The poet has been honored by the King.
A picture is being painted by the children.
Sweet is smelled by the rose.
The matter will be looked into by the magistrate