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Мой любимый вид спорта бокс.Боксом я начал заниматься пару лет назад и уже много добился.Наши тренеровки проходят в нашем клубе boxing energy system.Так же мы часто ездим на спаринги и соревнования в другие города,там мы набираемся опыта и совершенствуем свои умения.
Боксом принято называть кулачный бой двух спортсменов по определенным правилам. Во время борьбы надевают специальные боксерские перчатки,шлем и капу (защиту для зубов).Боксерские поединки обычно проводятся на ринге под наблюдением рефери.
Бокс может быть сложным видом спорта, и это отличный способ получить физическую нагрузку и улучшить физическую форму.
My favorite sport is boxing.I started boxing a couple of years ago and have already achieved a lot.Our coaching sessions take place in our boxing energy system club.We also often go to sparring and competitions in other cities, where we gain experience and improve our skills.
Boxing is usually called a fist fight between two athletes according to certain rules. During the fight, they wear special boxing gloves, a helmet and a mouth guard (protection for teeth).Boxing matches are usually held in the ring under the supervision of a referee.
Boxing can be a challenging sport, and it's a great way to get physical and improve your fitness.
My favorite sport is boxing. I started boxing a couple of years ago and have already achieved a lot. Our training takes place in our club "boxing energy system". We also often go to sparring sessions and competitions in other cities, where we gain experience and improve our skills. skills.
Boxing is usually called a fist fight between two athletes according to certain rules. During the fight, special boxing gloves, a helmet and a mouth guard (protection for teeth) are worn. Boxing matches are usually held in the ring under the supervision of a referee.
Boxing can be a challenging sport and it is a great way to get exercise and improve your fitness.