Предмет: История, автор: skulld

помогите пожалуйста, только не с готового дз



Автор ответа: bulateckadarina


Події, описані у фрагменті

У фрагменті описані події, пов'язані з погіршенням економічної ситуації, зростанням цін, зниженням купівельної спроможності та дефіцитом товарів, зокрема продовольства. Зазначено, що зникали з продажу різні категорії товарів, особливо це стосувалося продовольства, і узвичаїлася сумна практика імпорту зерна та зникнення рибо- і м'ясопродуктів, молочних виробів тощо.

Пояснення подій

Цей фрагмент відображає економічні труднощі, зокрема інфляцію, дефіцит товарів та зростання цін, що призвело до погіршення життєвого рівня населення. Зникаючі з полиць товари та імпорт зерна свідчать про проблеми з постачанням продуктів харчування. Ці явища можуть бути пов'язані з економічною кризою або нестабільністю в країні.

М. Брайчевський, "Нескінченні вихваляння нестримного піднесення життєвого рівня".

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Schools in the Past. Writing

Read Daniel’s letter about schools of the past and identify if the statements are true or false.

Dear Andrew,

Hi! How are you? I’d like to tell you about an interesting documentary I saw not long ago. It was about schools in the past. I was amazed at how different schools used to be!

The first thing I want to tell you about is the teachers who were very strict. For example, students could not share their opinion, they spoke only when they were allowed to. In the morning, before class teachers checked students’ nails, hair and teeth to make sure they were clean. Furthermore, they could shout at students or even give a smack with a ruler or cane on their hands! School rules are necessary, of course; however, in the past, they were too strict, I think.

In the past, children didn’t study the same subjects as we do now. For example, girls studied home economics and art, while boys did subjects like woodworking and metalworking. They didn’t have information and communication technologies or physical education!

The school supplies were different, too. Students did not have laptops and interactive whiteboards. They wrote on blackboards or with pencils and fountain pens. They used only encyclopedias to research for information.

There was no internet! They did not play video games but played things like jump rope and hopscotch in the schoolyard. I think it was quite boring. As for me, I cannot do without my iPad.

Did you know that children left school around the age of 12? I am this age now, I have already done five years of study and I have another five years! However, I am not sorry at all. After seeing this film, I started to appreciate my school more. Now I know how lucky I am with my school!

What do you think of your school and schools of the past? Is studying in modern schools more interesting than in the past?

Write back soon, Daniel.

Daniel learnt about school in the past from a film. 


Students often discussed their ideas at lessons. 


Students had to brush their teeth before school.