Предмет: Английский язык, автор: anastasiyapilipishin

7 a) What did/didn't Simon use love to do when he was 10? Write missm sentences. письмово в зошит 1 live in a city (X) i2513 He didn't use to live in a city. 2 spend his holidays by the sea (₁) 3 4 5 6 7 go to the cinema (✔) 8 ride a scooter (X) stay in a hostel (X) play football on the beach (✔asw swim in the sea (✓) 1163 9 eat out in restaurants (X)​


Автор ответа: kirichenkosasha2010

Ответ:It looks like you're working on creating sentences using the structure "used to" to describe past habits or actions. Here are the sentences for the provided information:

He didn't use to live in a city.

He used to spend his holidays by the sea.

He didn't use to go to the cinema.

He didn't use to ride a scooter.

He didn't use to stay in a hostel.

He used to play football on the beach.

He used to swim in the sea.

He didn't use to eat out in restaurants.

Note: The checkmark (✔), cross (X), and other symbols seem to indicate whether Simon used to do these activities or not. I incorporated this information into the sentences. If there are any specific instructions or if you have additional information, feel free to provide it for further clarification.


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