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My friend Emily is an incredible person, but she has this one habit that always worries me – she's a perpetual procrastinator. It's a habit she's struggled with for years, and despite her best efforts, it seems to linger.
She often leaves things until the last minute, be it assignments, projects, or even plans. I've seen her stay up all night finishing tasks that she could have easily completed earlier. It's not that she doesn't care or isn't capable; it's just this habit that's hard to break.
Her procrastination sometimes affects her performance and causes unnecessary stress. She admits it herself, yet breaking this habit seems like an ongoing challenge.
We've talked about it, and she's tried different methods to improve – setting schedules, using productivity apps, but old habits die hard. Despite this habit, she remains an amazing friend and excels in many areas of her life.
I admire her determination to overcome this habit. After all, it's a journey, and she's taking steps, albeit small, towards improvement. I'm confident that with time and persistence, she'll conquer this habit and unleash her full potential.